it looks just like the debit card that we all use ar the terminal when we buy groceries, gas, clothing , etc. The State/US Govt electronically transfers funds and the cards are loaded. Thus the tracking of the spending in Detroit Strip Clubs with FEMA funds after Katrina by the "victims"..... it's pretty easy to track with an electronic/digital trail.
By the way, I did meet a "victim" in October of 2005 on the Appalachian Trail near Standing Indian Mountain. He used his check to get to Atlanta....where he bought a pack, sleeping bag, boots and high tech clothes. He had been on the trail for 12 days and was going as far as his money would take him. Hope he made it all the way to Maine. I could never throw rocks....his house was flooded, his job was flooded out, and all of his clients for produce were flooded and not needing produce. Anybody wanna hang around for that?
I gave him all the food I had left after our little 5 day section hike and wished him the best.
Take away everything that you own and everything that you know as normal....and tell me that you wouldn't be irrational. I had to rethink my stance after meeting a Very nice guy that just got squeezed out of his comfort zone.
All that to say that he used his govt issue card to buy good equipment to hike the AT.