You may remember last year me making a post regarding our project to try and get livestream cameras put up across the state to help improve tornado detection and warning upgrades. It's been a long uphill climb with more than one door shut in our faces, but today it is becoming reality. We are soon to have our first two cameras up and operational. One will be located just west of Starkville near the Adaton community and will provide coverage for Starkville and MSU. A second will be located near Maben, MS, and provide coverage for areas north of Starkville and early warning for West Point. Additionally, we ordered our third camera last night which will be located at Macon, MS. This will be a first in the for that matter...statewide tornado detection camera network when fully implemented.
If anybody would like to make a tax deductible donation to this network, you can go to and click the donate button. There were times I had gotten pretty discouraged this would ever get off the ground, but we kept fighting and never gave up and now it's realty. I hope to be able to post some pictures of them being installed when that is scheduled.
If anybody would like to make a tax deductible donation to this network, you can go to and click the donate button. There were times I had gotten pretty discouraged this would ever get off the ground, but we kept fighting and never gave up and now it's realty. I hope to be able to post some pictures of them being installed when that is scheduled.