Starkville residents..


New member
Jun 23, 2008
You might notice some new channels on your TV.

The best to me is that we finally have the CSS channel (channel 59). It had a replay game on earlier of Bama/UT.

Doesn't CSS carry some live SEC games? I'm pretty sure it will reair our games, or atleast they did last year.


New member
Jun 25, 2008
I'm glad to hear this. I am sick of everyone calling from Jackson watching games on CSS that we can't see or replays. CSS is a good channel for us.

Paper Dog

New member
Feb 20, 2008
ABC Family is on 54
CSS is on 59
and MSNBC is on 77

Plus, MTV2 is now in HD for digital subscribers</p>


New member
Aug 20, 2006
Solution for the 18 month deal...and this would obviously be for someone still supported at least someone by their parents - if the parents have sat, call DTV and tell them you want a receiver in "another room". I think the fee for an extra room is $5-10/mo. Pay for the box, order a dish antenna from somewhere, haul it to Starkville & hook it up. There ya go - sat TV for the add-on price of an extra room in a pre-existing account.

An no, don't bother plugging it into a phone line. It will work just fine - although it will spam you every time you turn it on about needing to connect to a phone line (to upload your viewing habits which are to be sold by DTV to marketing companies).


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
to get the ticket. After I watch the Saints, I just prepare myself for Sunday and Monday nights.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
The only bad thing about Satt TV is that I don't get CSS, which doesn't really matter during football season. On the other hand, there were several State basketball games on CSS that I missed. Still, I would rather have a satt.


New member
Feb 25, 2008

In 1996, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted rules for Over-the-Air-Reception Devices ("OTARD" rules). The OTARD rules prohibit restrictions on a property owner or tenant's right to install, maintain, or use an antenna to receive video programming from direct broadcast satellites (DBS), broadband radio services (formerly referred to as multichannel multipoint distribution services or MMDS), and television broadcast stations (TVBS). However, there are exceptions to the OTARD rules, including provisions for safety and preservation of historic areas.


<p class="factsbody">Under the OTARD rules, an owner or a tenant has the right to install an antenna (that meets size limitations) on property that he owns or over which he has exclusive use or control. This includes single family homes, condominiums, cooperatives, townhomes, and manufactured homes. In the case of condominiums, cooperatives, and rental properties, the rules apply to "exclusive use" areas, like terraces, balconies, or patios. "Exclusive use" means an area of the property that only you and people you permit may enter and use. If the area is shared with others or accessible without your permission, it is not considered.</p> <p class="factsbody">OTARD rules do not apply to common areas that are owned by a landlord, a community association, or jointly by condominium owners. These common areas may include the roof or exterior walls of a multiple dwelling unit. Under certain conditions, if a common antenna is available for use by residents, then the community association or landlord may reject or not permit the installation of an individually-owned antenna or satellite dish, provided the service and costs are the same.
</p> <p class="factsbody">
</p>If they don't like it, they can cancel your lease agreement. I am pretty sure they have a clause that covers them if they want you out.


New member
May 18, 2008
They Show A Ton Of Classic Replays 2 Hours Long.
They Have Shown A Condensed Version Of The Egg Bowl.
They Love Showin Bama Replays Which I Don't Like.
Ole Miss Bama 07- The Call