Steve Smith


Active member
Nov 11, 2007
was just talking about bunting early in the game and how it put pressure on the pitcher and made him pitch different etc. etc.

Has the man not every listened to Polk? You absolutely do not bunt early in the game. That is not good baseball according to Polk.

I am just 17'ing glad he is getting the hell out of Dodge.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
until then, Ron Polk knows more baseball. And on top of that, Ron Polk wants Raffo as "the Truth" says on here. So no to Steve Smith- he isnt worthy


New member
Mar 3, 2008
I'm not so big on bunting early in the game myself, I prefer the long ball, mainly because chicks dig it. But, there are times when you have to bunt, and you have to execute in those situations. It has its place in the game.

I'm much more pissed at our overall lack of fundamentals in general in all phases of the game.

On offense, we need to be MUCH more aggressive. (And the choir said AMEN)

Our pitchers need to learn to go out there with some swagger and pound the strike zone. Just like Weatherford.

We need to run the bases better- we need to steal more and we need to stop getting guys thrown out at home. If a catcher gets the ball before our runner gets to home, I want the catcher to get blown up. Make them earn the out.

We need to play fundamental sound defense.

We need to go out there with some swagger- swagger that says that we're MSU baseball, and you're about to get your brains beat in.

And to the holier than thou sheep- I could give a **** if the opponents think we are classy or have a good time at Dudy-Noble. I hope it's a miserable weekend for the opponent because they got swept every time they come.


Jun 4, 2007
Agree completly, minus the part of blowing up the catcher. since that is illegal and will earn an ejection...
Interesting thing to note, if you "maliciously" collide with the catch\er causing him to dislodge the ball. the runner is safe and then ejected.
So if the game is on the line, run his *** over.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
ScoobaDawg said:
Agree completly, minus the part of blowing up the catcher. since that is illegal and will earn an ejection...
Interesting thing to note, if you "maliciously" collide with the catch\er causing him to dislodge the ball. the runner is safe and then ejected.
So if the game is on the line, run his *** over.

</p>and it's a ***** rule. Play the game the way it's supposed to be played. It's not like the cathers are quarterbacks or anything girly like that.

It also would send a message to the other team that we came to the game to play.


Jun 4, 2007
Don't even get me started on the pussification of QB's with ultra-silly rules. Might as well be 2 hand touch on them.
I'm going to have to say I wouldn't want players routinely running over the catcher to send a message. as I'm sure not only would the player be ejected but possible suspended.