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<font face="Times New Roman, serif" size="5">JPD sting targets prostitutes, clients</font><font size="1">
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By Kathleen Baydala
[email protected]</font></font></p>
<font face="arial, helvetica" size="2">Prostitutes, call girls and johns will be the targets of an upcoming sting by the Jackson Police Department's vice and narcotics unit.</font></p>
<font face="arial, helvetica" size="2">Dubbed "Operation Cupid," the sting will begin Thursday night and focus on arrests of street-level prostitutes, escorts and their clients, Cmdr. L.C. Russell said during today's command staff meeting.
Hinds County sheriff's deputies will assist JPD in the sting.
Sheriff and Police Chief Malcolm McMillin has said vice and narcotics officers are working to deter prostitution because of its correlation with other crimes and its impact on the quality of life in several inner-city neighborhoods, such as the Battlefield Park area. McMillin also said he believes going after people who solicit prostitution is the best approach.
"You can't always run the ladies off, but you can make it a really memorable night for those who show up," McMillin said. "At 4:30 - 5 p.m., some guy gets popped and has to go home, I wonder what dinner is going to be like."</font></p> </div>