Tequila is bad for the environment?

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
OK... the Climate Change Mafia has officially crossed the line. I know we have problems between this and gas stoves these people have lost their 17ing minds, not to mention trying to destroy a considerable piece of Mexico's history, culture, and income.


Tequila’s agave plants face a far greater threat from climate change than vodka’s diversified grains and tubers. Rising global temperatures are wreaking havoc on weather patterns in the central and southern parts of Mexico where agave grows, and the succulent, while drought tolerant, is too fragile to handle increasingly sudden shifts from extreme heat to unseasonable storms. Rising temperatures also threaten the Mexican long-nosed bat, blue agave’s principal pollinator. A 2019 studypublished in Nature suggests that the overlap between the bats’ range and agave areas could be reduced by up to 75% within 50 years, which would be a disaster for the industry.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
In case the first post confuses anyone else, here is all the text that is hidden in that post...

Tequila’s agave plants face a far greater threat from climate change than vodka’s diversified grains and tubers. Rising global temperatures are wreaking havoc on weather patterns in the central and southern parts of Mexico where agave grows, and the succulent, while drought tolerant, is too fragile to handle increasingly sudden shifts from extreme heat to unseasonable storms. Rising temperatures also threaten the Mexican long-nosed bat, blue agave’s principal pollinator. A 2019 study published in Nature suggests that the overlap between the bats’ range and agave areas could be reduced by up to 75% within 50 years, which would be a disaster for the industry.

The linked articles discuss declining bee populations, declining bat species, and monarch butterflies being endangered.
The linked CNN article lists these ways to help...

How you can help​

This is a global problem which means fixes need to be on a global scale, but there are still ways individual people can help.

“Plant gardens with native wildlife, the native plants that are critical to the survival of these animals,” Magill said.

Plants that are native will also require less care. If you plant a cactus in Louisiana, it’s not going to do well in the humid environment. Likewise, impatiens or begonias will not do well in the desert Southwest as they require a tremendous amount of water to flourish.
A new online database helps users in the UK find pollinator friendly plants for their gardens, and support biodiversity. Similar lists of native, pro-pollinator plants exist for the United States.

“When you plant native wildflowers, you’re planting a buffet for the wildlife that needs that to survive,” Magill says. “That’s the refueling stations for our pollinators.”
Magill points to Lady Bird Johnson’s effort to beautify roadsides in the US. While her goal was nationwide, her efforts shone in Texas.

“She did such a wonderful thing with wildflowers in Texas,” Magill says. “There are times you can drive through Texas, and you can see wildflowers for as far as the eyes can see, and it’s such a beautiful sight, because she understood the value of that.”

While other states are doing that along roadways as well, individual homeowners can also do the same.

“We have beautiful plant life in our native areas where we live in this country. If we could focus more on that and start rebuilding what was naturally here, we can start bringing back those natural rhythms.”

You can also work to reduce your pesticide and chemical use around your home. Good alternatives include using organic products such as compost for soil health and adding beneficial insects like ladybugs, praying mantises, or even nematodes to keep pests away.

I am unsure what is controversial about the CNN article or the EuroNews article. They just lay out some statistical realities and explain how that will impact the tequila industry if the trends continue.
I dont understand why the 'climate change mafia' is blamed for any of this. Maybe I missed something?


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I am unsure what is controversial about the CNN article or the EuroNews article. They just lay out some statistical realities and explain how that will impact the tequila industry if the trends continue.
I dont understand why the 'climate change mafia' is blamed for any of this. Maybe I missed something?
I wouldn't say this is the climate change mafia, but climate change cult. It's just another in a long line of alarmist and likely ******** articles. Maybe these will end up actually being somewhat accurate or factual despite the odds, but mostly climate change articles consist of (1) predicting a change from climate models, then printing an article about the change as if it's factual as opposed to a projection from a model or models that just haven't been particularly accurate to this point and/or (2) notice an actual change in nature, and attribute it to man-made climate change regardless of any ability to prove causation. Most importantly, when the predicted change doesn't happen or the actual change reverts to the norm, nobody should ever write a follow up article acknowledging that it was a false alarm and certainly nothing should ever be written questioning how credulously "journalists" treat outputs from models that haven't proved particularly reliable in the past.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
OK... the Climate Change Mafia has officially crossed the line. I know we have problems between this and gas stoves these people have lost their 17ing minds, not to mention trying to destroy a considerable piece of Mexico's history, culture, and income.


Tequila’s agave plants face a far greater threat from climate change than vodka’s diversified grains and tubers. Rising global temperatures are wreaking havoc on weather patterns in the central and southern parts of Mexico where agave grows, and the succulent, while drought tolerant, is too fragile to handle increasingly sudden shifts from extreme heat to unseasonable storms. Rising temperatures also threaten the Mexican long-nosed bat, blue agave’s principal pollinator. A 2019 studypublished in Nature suggests that the overlap between the bats’ range and agave areas could be reduced by up to 75% within 50 years, which would be a disaster for the industry.
As long as it isn’t the bats that are eating mosquitoes at my house I’m fine with continuing my tequila consumption.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
In case the first post confuses anyone else, here is all the text that is hidden in that post...

The linked articles discuss declining bee populations, declining bat species, and monarch butterflies being endangered.
The linked CNN article lists these ways to help...

I am unsure what is controversial about the CNN article or the EuroNews article. They just lay out some statistical realities and explain how that will impact the tequila industry if the trends continue.
I dont understand why the 'climate change mafia' is blamed for any of this. Maybe I missed something?
It reads to me like them saying if it gets too hot, it will impact the crop that supports the production of tequila faster than other alcohol related crops, like the potato for vodka. I suppose you could take it for drumming up support for climate change action hoping for a big push by tequila drinkers? I don't understand how the OP arrived at this being a attack on Mexico and their industry.

Reality: temperatures are rising. it's measurable

Most likely: humans and humans doing things contribute; science seems to be pretty solid that there is a contribution and carbon is a big part of it

Debatable from what data I've seen: How much of the temperature rise is directly attributable to humans carbon creation

In our politicized country, it devolves into people spouting off headlines from their brand of "news" and either being climate deniers or climate mafia...


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
This... doesn't seem controversial. Are you somehow debating that climate change is occurring and causing lots of problems in lots of places?

The alcohol used in margaritas is generally tequila, and tequila comes from the agave plant.

Agave is drought-tolerant and can thrive in hot weather with little to no water. However, the crops are not tolerating the recent major weather whiplash from extreme drought to deadly storm deluges.

Climate change is also putting a strain on the agave plant’s vital pollinator: the bat.

Warming temperatures have become a growing concern for the Mexican long-nosed bat, a key species for authentic tequila.



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
In case the first post confuses anyone else, here is all the text that is hidden in that post...

The linked articles discuss declining bee populations, declining bat species, and monarch butterflies being endangered.
The linked CNN article lists these ways to help...

I am unsure what is controversial about the CNN article or the EuroNews article. They just lay out some statistical realities and explain how that will impact the tequila industry if the trends continue.
I dont understand why the 'climate change mafia' is blamed for any of this. Maybe I missed something?
You beat me too it.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I wouldn't say this is the climate change mafia, but climate change cult. It's just another in a long line of alarmist and likely ******** articles. Maybe these will end up actually being somewhat accurate or factual despite the odds, but mostly climate change articles consist of (1) predicting a change from climate models, then printing an article about the change as if it's factual as opposed to a projection from a model or models that just haven't been particularly accurate to this point and/or (2) notice an actual change in nature, and attribute it to man-made climate change regardless of any ability to prove causation. Most importantly, when the predicted change doesn't happen or the actual change reverts to the norm, nobody should ever write a follow up article acknowledging that it was a false alarm and certainly nothing should ever be written questioning how credulously "journalists" treat outputs from models that haven't proved particularly reliable in the past.
You think those articles were alarmist? I guess I usually think of hysterics and emotion when I think of 'alarmist'. Those articles seem analytical. Heck, the CNN article even discusses what people can do to help improve the number of butterflies.

But regardless of if you think they are alarmist or not, they arent claiming Tequila is bad for the environment. The articles claim that the plant which creates tequila needs a specific animal and the numbers for that animal have been declining.
I also didnt read anything about a desire by a climate mafia or cult to destroy Mexico's history, culture, or income.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
You think those articles were alarmist? I guess I usually think of hysterics and emotion when I think of 'alarmist'. Those articles seem analytical. Heck, the CNN article even discusses what people can do to help improve the number of butterflies.

But regardless of if you think they are alarmist or not, they arent claiming Tequila is bad for the environment. The articles claim that the plant which creates tequila needs a specific animal and the numbers for that animal have been declining.
I also didnt read anything about a desire by a climate mafia or cult to destroy Mexico's history, culture, or income.
I'd further guess that we're all drinking way more real tequila than in the past, which has probably lead to growing agave in less suitable areas (presumptively, the best areas were already in use), thereby leading the plant to be more prone to drought/flood issues which are increased by climate change.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
You think those articles were alarmist? I guess I usually think of hysterics and emotion when I think of 'alarmist'. Those articles seem analytical. Heck, the CNN article even discusses what people can do to help improve the number of butterflies.

But regardless of if you think they are alarmist or not, they arent claiming Tequila is bad for the environment. The articles claim that the plant which creates tequila needs a specific animal and the numbers for that animal have been declining.
I also didnt read anything about a desire by a climate mafia or cult to destroy Mexico's history, culture, or income.
It should also be noted that our citizens are unlikely to tolerate data analysis, rational discussion or anything that is not really compelling to them, so politicians who want to move the needle at all realize that they have to create a narrative that MIGHT cause someone somewhere to care, hence they embellish, or flat out lie. In this case, I think that it backfired as Al Gore (aka inventor of the internet) lied about climate change (at a minimum thoroughly confused/misreported the findings from the study) early into the national consciousness about the possibility of rising temps. It polarized people. Further, his lavish, carbon consuming lifestyle whereby he personally introduced more carbon into the environment through his excess than some small countries, only fueled the fire. That's my opinion on the matter...


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
It should also be noted that our citizens are unlikely to tolerate data analysis, rational discussion or anything that is not really compelling to them, so politicians who want to move the needle at all realize that they have to create a narrative that MIGHT cause someone somewhere to care, hence they embellish, or flat out lie. In this case, I think that it backfired as Al Gore (aka inventor of the internet) lied about climate change (at a minimum thoroughly confused/misreported the findings from the study) early into the national consciousness about the possibility of rising temps. It polarized people. Further, his lavish, carbon consuming lifestyle whereby he personally introduced more carbon into the environment through his excess than some small countries, only fueled the fire. That's my opinion on the matter...
It's almost like there's a whole media ecosystem to take information, twist it, then tell their audience "Hurr hurr look what the "experts" are saying now!"


Well-known member
May 1, 2006
So I've moved from being a climate denier to, I guess, being in the climate mafia, if that's what we're calling people who think we can and should take better care of the planet.

But regardless of your views, you might find this video interesting. It talks about how the space race and images gathered from Cold War spy satellites, together with data from Russian submarines in the Arctic, gave us a better understanding of how the Earth's climate is changing.



Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I'd further guess that we're all drinking way more real tequila than in the past, which has probably lead to growing agave in less suitable areas (presumptively, the best areas were already in use), thereby leading the plant to be more prone to drought/flood issues which are increased by climate change.

Yeah, the popularity of tequila definitely seems to be higher now compared to even 15 years ago. No idea if thats accurate or not, but there sure are a lot more brands and labels now.

Its now been I think 22 years since I touched tequila? Bad night of mixing it with powdered iced tea when living in the Commons ruined the taste and smell for life. Based on the initial claims in this thread, it could be argued that I am destroying Mexican culture now. Dang- my bad, guys.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2004
In case the first post confuses anyone else, here is all the text that is hidden in that post...

The linked articles discuss declining bee populations, declining bat species, and monarch butterflies being endangered.
The linked CNN article lists these ways to help...

I am unsure what is controversial about the CNN article or the EuroNews article. They just lay out some statistical realities and explain how that will impact the tequila industry if the trends continue.
I dont understand why the 'climate change mafia' is blamed for any of this. Maybe I missed something?
Speaking of declining bee population. Has anyone else noticed more honey bees this year? Last year I maybe saw a handful all summer. This year I walk out the door, and hear a buzz I haven’t heard in 20+ years. Have a lot of clover in my back yard, and the honey bees are everywhere.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
In case the first post confuses anyone else, here is all the text that is hidden in that post...

The linked articles discuss declining bee populations, declining bat species, and monarch butterflies being endangered.
The linked CNN article lists these ways to help...

I am unsure what is controversial about the CNN article or the EuroNews article. They just lay out some statistical realities and explain how that will impact the tequila industry if the trends continue.
I dont understand why the 'climate change mafia' is blamed for any of this. Maybe I missed something?

Sorry. The link did not work.

Tequila is About to Become the U.S.'s Most Popular Spirit. That's Bad for the Environment

So if you wonder why I was laying this at the feet of the alarmists, it's in the title of article -

That's Bad for the Enviroment.

Please continue. I didn't actually mean to trigger a large debate but just add tequila to this climate list that we get some new climate problem within our everyday life. I didn't think you would take this seriously. I didn't. I was wrong.

I called them Mafia in reference to their absolute rule on the subject matter. If you question their "findings" or any different reasons for these changes you are just another blind fool. l do have to wonder what will be added to the list.
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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
In case the first post confuses anyone else, here is all the text that is hidden in that post...

The linked articles discuss declining bee populations, declining bat species, and monarch butterflies being endangered.
The linked CNN article lists these ways to help...

I am unsure what is controversial about the CNN article or the EuroNews article. They just lay out some statistical realities and explain how that will impact the tequila industry if the trends continue.
I dont understand why the 'climate change mafia' is blamed for any of this. Maybe I missed something?
We understand you don't get it.

We understand you are here to defend all things crazy lunatic left.

We 17ing get it man. Go away!


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
I wouldn't say this is the climate change mafia, but climate change cult. It's just another in a long line of alarmist and likely ******** articles. Maybe these will end up actually being somewhat accurate or factual despite the odds, but mostly climate change articles consist of (1) predicting a change from climate models, then printing an article about the change as if it's factual as opposed to a projection from a model or models that just haven't been particularly accurate to this point and/or (2) notice an actual change in nature, and attribute it to man-made climate change regardless of any ability to prove causation. Most importantly, when the predicted change doesn't happen or the actual change reverts to the norm, nobody should ever write a follow up article acknowledging that it was a false alarm and certainly nothing should ever be written questioning how credulously "journalists" treat outputs from models that haven't proved particularly reliable in the past.
He knows what it is.

He just can't call it what it is. Crazy.

He's trying to defend the AOC's of the world who think we should kill all calls b/c the farts are killing us all!


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Sorry. The link did not work.

Tequila is About to Become the U.S.'s Most Popular Spirit. That's Bad for the Environment

So if you wonder why I was laying this at the feet of the alarmists, it's in the title of article -

That's Bad for the Enviroment.

Please continue. I didn't actually mean to trigger a large debate but just add tequila to this climate list that we get some new climate problem within our everyday life. I didn't think you would take this seriously. I didn't. I was wrong.

I called them Mafia in reference to their absolute rule on the subject matter. If you question their "findings" or any different reasons for these changes you are just another blind fool. l do have to wonder what will be added to the list.
Thanks for the Time article- yeah there is for sure a doomsday Debbie Downer style to it.
Mexico could change their law and expand where the plant can be grown/harvested to open up more land, reduce transport cost and waste, and to increase genetic diversity.

Not saying its all Mexico's fault for having limitations, just throwing out a possible way to combat the listed problems. That would obviously reduce the exclusivity and there is value in limiting a product.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
We understand you don't get it.

We understand you are here to defend all things crazy lunatic left.

We 17ing get it man. Go away!
I didnt get it because what was provided to me(and others) didnt say anything that was then being commented on in the first post. IBMD has since posted what wasnt included in the initial post, and while I still disagree with the issue being nearly as alarmist as claimed, IBMD's initial comments do make more sense now.

Meanwhile, you once again dont participate in the discussion and instead just comment on a poster.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
He knows what it is.

He just can't call it what it is. Crazy.

He's trying to defend the AOC's of the world who think we should kill all calls b/c the farts are killing us all!
Kill all cows?
Kill all cats?

I dont follow AOC, I dont know the last time I heard AOC speak, and I dont think farting is killing us all...though I have been around people that I am convinced are dying from the inside, at least based on their farts.

This is once again a total swing and miss from you.
I saw that thread you started about stereotypes was also locked. You know, the one that was a link to a 3 year old article and a dumb infographic that you misinterpreted as saying the scientific method and hard work are bad. The one where you said 'we' cant hide from the 3 year old article.
That was another total swing and miss. You seemingly demanded people defend it, nobody did, and nobody had to. It was just you, all alone, trying to force a 3 year old article as a discussion starter. Nobody had to defend it because nobody is required to agree with it. Thats what you dont grasp- people arent required to agree with and therefore defend things that you think they should have to agree with and defend.

One more thread today where you create a strawman and attack it, and you will strike out on 3 straight.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
Kill all cows?
Kill all cats?

I dont follow AOC, I dont know the last time I heard AOC speak, and I dont think farting is killing us all...though I have been around people that I am convinced are dying from the inside, at least based on their farts.

This is once again a total swing and miss from you.
I saw that thread you started about stereotypes was also locked. You know, the one that was a link to a 3 year old article and a dumb infographic that you misinterpreted as saying the scientific method and hard work are bad. The one where you said 'we' cant hide from the 3 year old article.
That was another total swing and miss. You seemingly demanded people defend it, nobody did, and nobody had to. It was just you, all alone, trying to force a 3 year old article as a discussion starter. Nobody had to defend it because nobody is required to agree with it. Thats what you dont grasp- people arent required to agree with and therefore defend things that you think they should have to agree with and defend.

One more thread today where you create a strawman and attack it, and you will strike out on 3 straight.



Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Yeah, 212 words is excessive. I mean, who could possibly focus for that long?

Here is a recap-
- people arent required to agree with and therefore defend things that you think they should have to agree with and defend.
- perpetual outrage has to be exhausting.
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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
I wouldn't say this is the climate change mafia, but climate change cult. It's just another in a long line of alarmist and likely ******** articles. Maybe these will end up actually being somewhat accurate or factual despite the odds, but mostly climate change articles consist of (1) predicting a change from climate models, then printing an article about the change as if it's factual as opposed to a projection from a model or models that just haven't been particularly accurate to this point and/or (2) notice an actual change in nature, and attribute it to man-made climate change regardless of any ability to prove causation. Most importantly, when the predicted change doesn't happen or the actual change reverts to the norm, nobody should ever write a follow up article acknowledging that it was a false alarm and certainly nothing should ever be written questioning how credulously "journalists" treat outputs from models that haven't proved particularly reliable in the past.
Awesome Post. Always remember these Gretas tell us grilling steaks, cow flatulence and SUV's are killing polar bears.
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Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Sorry. The link did not work.

Tequila is About to Become the U.S.'s Most Popular Spirit. That's Bad for the Environment

So if you wonder why I was laying this at the feet of the alarmists, it's in the title of article -

That's Bad for the Enviroment.

Please continue. I didn't actually mean to trigger a large debate but just add tequila to this climate list that we get some new climate problem within our everyday life. I didn't think you would take this seriously. I didn't. I was wrong.

I called them Mafia in reference to their absolute rule on the subject matter. If you question their "findings" or any different reasons for these changes you are just another blind fool. l do have to wonder what will be added to the list.
My impression of Time, all the way back to their terrible "Global cooling" articles that cons love to cite, is that they have journalists that probably couldn't pass a college freshman basic science class write alarmist articles on whatever they think will get eyeballs.

There's nothing in the article to actually support that growing more agave is a net emissions adder. What crop, if any, is it replacing? Etc. Hell, it outright states that it and vodka have the same emissions per liter. Where's the beef?

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Yeah, 212 words is excessive. I mean, who could possibly focus for that long?

Here is a recap-
- people arent required to agree with and therefore defend things that you think they should have to agree with and defend.
- perpetual outrage has to be exhausting.
The best part is his take was completely wrong to begin with. The graphic wasn't remotely saying what he claimed. He didn't even understand what he was complaining about! And then he thinks he's taking us to task for not addressing his wrong take! Lol.

Every board needs it's clown I guess.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
Yeah, 212 words is excessive. I mean, who could possibly focus for that long?

Here is a recap-
- people arent required to agree with and therefore defend things that you think they should have to agree with and defend.
- perpetual outrage has to be exhausting.
Here’s a few words.

17 off you dumb 17er.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Here’s a few words.

17 off you dumb 17er.
Tongue Goat GIF
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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
My impression of Time, all the way back to their terrible "Global cooling" articles that cons love to cite, is that they have journalists that probably couldn't pass a college freshman basic science class write alarmist articles on whatever they think will get eyeballs.

There's nothing in the article to actually support that growing more agave is a net emissions adder. What crop, if any, is it replacing? Etc. Hell, it outright states that it and vodka have the same emissions per liter. Where's the beef?
The title and article say tequila production is bad for the environment. I wonder how much Russian & Chi-Com Money went into the "Research"?......



Well-known member
Oct 3, 2022
My impression of Time, all the way back to their terrible "Global cooling" articles that cons love to cite, is that hey have journalists that probably couldn't pass a college freshman basic science class write alarmist articles on whatever they think will get eyeballs.
Sorry, but if anyone doesn’t think this about ALL current mass media is part of the problem. That is the current business model. And it works because it’s always “that media over there” or “their media” vs “my media”.

The fact that there is a “their media” and “our media” proves it’s all a problem.

Ethics is out the window in journalism. And it’s sad… because ethics has LONG been gone in who they are supposed to keep a watch on.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Sorry, but if anyone doesn’t think this about ALL current mass media is part of the problem. That is the current business model. And it works because it’s always “that media over there” or “their media” vs “my media”.

The fact that there is a “their media” and “our media” proves it’s all a problem.

Ethics is out the window in journalism. And it’s sad… because ethics has LONG been gone in who they are supposed to keep a watch on.
Mostly agreed. I should have been more clear that I think Time somehow manages to be even worse than the rest in stuff like this.

As to the general problem, partly this is due to the political realignment we are going through. Republicanism still gets an undeserved treatment of being sensible, of being the only adults in the room, due to how Baby Boomers think of things. Every story gets written in the light of how a boomer would think of it. Ethics becomes impossible when optics demands you ignore reality and pretend Matt Gaetz is just as respectible as Adlai Stevenson. This will change over the next few years, if we still have a free country.


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2022
Mostly agreed. I should have been more clear that I think Time somehow manages to be even worse than the rest in stuff like this.

As to the general problem, partly this is due to the political realignment we are going through. Republicanism still gets an undeserved treatment of being sensible, of being the only adults in the room, due to how Baby Boomers think of things. Every story gets written in the light of how a boomer would think of it. Ethics becomes impossible when optics demands you ignore reality and pretend Matt Gaetz is just as respectible as Adlai Stevenson. This will change over the next few years, if we still have a free country.
And you covered “their media”. What about “our media”?

See? See how it works?
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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
Mostly agreed. I should have been more clear that I think Time somehow manages to be even worse than the rest in stuff like this.

As to the general problem, partly this is due to the political realignment we are going through. Republicanism still gets an undeserved treatment of being sensible, of being the only adults in the room, due to how Baby Boomers think of things. Every story gets written in the light of how a boomer would think of it. Ethics becomes impossible when optics demands you ignore reality and pretend Matt Gaetz is just as respectible as Adlai Stevenson. This will change over the next few years, if we still have a free country.
The Durham Report, Laptop Coverup, Russian Hoax and The Biden Family Foreign Crime Syndicate proves our democracy and freedoms are being raped by Leftists. China and Ukraine Own Team Biden.
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