Thank you WLBT


Feb 23, 2008
I'm flipping through the channels when I happen upon WLBT showing Masters highlights. They say a bit about Tiger then say one of his shots was nothing compared to Poulter's hole-in-one. Cut to the shot: Off the tee, on the green, rolling towards the pin, about 8 feet away and....... cut..... to something about a girl who played football for Provine. Now, I'm sure I won't have any trouble seeing the hole-in-one on ESPN or on the net, but come on..... why even show the highlight if you're going to cut away?
Feb 15, 2007
Does Newschannel 12 not have sports anymore? I was flipping around and was wondering why they were doing world news while 3 and 16 were on sports. I knew they canned Whitlow but did they just scrap the whole damn thing?
Jan 13, 2008
WJTV is a joke of a news broadcast. When they did news, just a couple of months ago, they would talk about a game abd have some cheesy graphic up with the score. No video, just a score. That went on for months. If I was a sports broadcaster working for them, I would have done said 17 off.


New member
May 22, 2006
I mean the ball was rolling toward the hole and I'm thinking "man, what a shot" then *poof* cut away to a girl signing to play basketball at some small college nobody has heard of.....

Sarc Dawg

New member
Nov 9, 2003
There are 4 weather segments. 1 Every 5 minutes. I never realized weather changed that much in 5 min. And what little sports we do get is what Saban or Tubberville had for lunch today.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Most local news services are putting all of their money on weather. Local weather is the only area that they can seriously compete against 24-hour national coverage. If you need sports go to espn, if you need news go to cnn, if you need to know what impact the weather had on goat herding in Poland during the winter of '43 go to the weather channel. If it tornado sirens are going off, local tv is the best choice.

Oh, and WTVA in Tupelo is the biggest joke of a news cast ever and sports may be the worst segment of the broadcast.


New member
Aug 6, 2007
If nobody got shot today, the news will be 95 percent weather, including a 60-second reading of temperatures around the state that are 1) right there for you to read yourself and 2) all within 2 degrees of each other. "It's 48 in Mantachie, 48 in Fulton, 48 in Pontotoc, 48 in Splunge, 47 in Algoma, 48 in Hatley, 48 in Big Creek, blah blah blah." Once that's done, we get an update, sometimes including video, on how Dick Rice's tomato plants are doing. After that, we go to sports.

Weather guys are a different breed. They get fired up about any cold front like we do for the Sugar Bowl. While I was at State, I took a geography class as a sop elective. The teacher assigned to it was a meteorologist. Yes, I know. Anyway, every class, every day, was about weather. This went on for four or five weeks until complaints to the department head finally got the guy yanked. These people live and breathe that ****. I subscribe to the Lewis Grizzard weather dog theory. Send the dog outside. If he comes back wet, it's probably raining. If he doesn't come back at all, it's probably windy.

The WTVA sports guys might be OK -- but we'll never know. I've had them tell me they never get to do the sportscast they'd planned because the weather segments leave them 90 seconds to say all they're going to say.

In the sports guys' defense, they do tend to do a pretty good job on Friday night football.


New member
Jan 20, 2008
which 500 lb person needed AJ Giardina next to get him/her a (a) ramp for their scooter to fit in their FEMA trailer, b) new FEMA trailer with scooter access, or c) reliable contractor to build said ramp cause the other one 'done run off' with their money.


New member
Aug 6, 2007
I get so pissed off during, "54 degrees in Golden, 54 in Possum Flat, 54 in Cotton Mill, 54 in Booger Den" that I usually have started flipping channels well before the sport report gets on.


New member
Feb 14, 2008
Remember, almost a quarter of the people doing TV weather broadcasts in the US have some kind of degree or certification from Mississippi State.


Active member
Feb 24, 2008
About every other sentence he stops to grin and show off his capped teeth. Damn, they do shine through.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Dick Rice is at it as I reply. The same temp in places 8 miles apart. The funniest part of the weather is when he and the other weather guy fight other the control of the computer during bad weather. I've only been in Tupelo for a couple of months and this has to be poorest excuse for news anywhere. The Daily Journal and WTVA will not carry news that might offend anyone in what passes for society here.