The doldrums of summer are here, so we need alternative topics. The mention of the coffee shop opening in the Decatur, GA thread made me think

The Peeper

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
of this one.

Does the Pack have coffee snob members or do you buy Great Value, Strange Brew (our sponsor) or whatever's on sale? Are you a french press fanatic, a Keurig user, pour through, cheap Mr. Coffee maker, or do you just stop and buy the swill sold at the corner convenience store? Do you grind your own or buy it already ground?

Most local coffee roasters I've seen charge $16-$22 for 12oz bags and I'm a cheap SOB and don't partake of that price range. My usual is already ground McCafe or Dunkin Donut. I've got a French press I'll occasionally use that tastes really good but hate the cleanup with that. I've got a Keurig I use mostly but my favorite coffee comes from an old aluminum Wearever from the late 50's early 60's just like the one below. It's kind of a pain but you put a flat round filter in the bottom of the top part of this maker and pour your coffee grounds on it. Boil the water in a separate container then pour it over the coffee and it trickles through the filter and through very tine holes into the bottom part. Makes the best coffee I've been able to make at home. I've also got an old burr grinder like the one below I got from my grandmother I'm about to fix up and try grinding my own on occasion.

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So what you got, are you a Coffee Snob, Sprint Mart connoisseur or hate that bitter arse crap and don't drink it?

Edited to say I only drink it hot and black. If somebody makes flavored stuff or offers me cream, or iced, or in any way adulterated you're wasting your time.


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2022
High Point Roasters in New Albany. Can order online and get shipped to anywhere. I am pretty sure they are who supplies StrangeBrew. I get already ground and use a Ninja coffee maker. It has a delay start function so that I can have a pot ready when I wake up
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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2012
I don't hate it, I just don't drink it. That's not to say that I haven't ever. My father never drank coffee either, so maybe that subconsciously affected my preferences.

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
Not a coffee snob— I’ll drink unflavored as well as flavored.

I use Keurigs at home and work.

I add Splenda but no cream.

I drink maybe 3 cups per day.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
of this one.

Does the Pack have coffee snob members or do you buy Great Value, Strange Brew (our sponsor) or whatever's on sale? Are you a french press fanatic, a Keurig user, pour through, cheap Mr. Coffee maker, or do you just stop and buy the swill sold at the corner convenience store? Do you grind your own or buy it already ground?

Most local coffee roasters I've seen charge $16-$22 for 12oz bags and I'm a cheap SOB and don't partake of that price range. My usual is already ground McCafe or Dunkin Donut. I've got a French press I'll occasionally use that tastes really good but hate the cleanup with that. I've got a Keurig I use mostly but my favorite coffee comes from an old aluminum Wearever from the late 50's early 60's just like the one below. It's kind of a pain but you put a flat round filter in the bottom of the top part of this maker and pour your coffee grounds on it. Boil the water in a separate container then pour it over the coffee and it trickles through the filter and through very tine holes into the bottom part. Makes the best coffee I've been able to make at home. I've also got an old burr grinder like the one below I got from my grandmother I'm about to fix up and try grinding my own on occasion.

View attachment 361619 View attachment 361626

So what you got, are you a Coffee Snob, Sprint Mart connoisseur or hate that bitter arse crap and don't drink it?

Edited to say I only drink it hot and black. If somebody makes flavored stuff or offers me cream, or iced, or in any way adulterated you're wasting your time.
I've tried coffee plenty of times in plenty of ways. Never liked it.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
Not a snob but I do enjoy some joe. Grind my own so I buy whole bean. Have a fancy maker.
I’m always intrigued by the aluminum maker that you use. It does seem like a ton of work.
Cream only. I do enjoy the occasional Cuban though. That’s about as flavored as I get. Hot until summer and I’ll enjoy it iced in the pm then.
I enjoy the small coffee shops but patronize Starbucks purely out of convenience.
For the life of me, I can’t understand how people drink that burnt shite that comes from office coffee makers. It’s like it was brewed using coffee beans roasted in shite. Just left a film in my mouth merely thinking about it. Pardon me while I go spit.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
Celebrity gif. Regina Hall leans forward and furiously yells, where's my coffee?!
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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2014
10 years ago I drank very little coffee, and if I did it looked more like hot chocolate when I finished adding crap to it. In 2015 I started drinking coffee. Now I am definitely a coffee snob. Strange brew is my go to, I like the Guatemala Antigua the best. When I don't have a bag of it I will get a bag from of our local coffee shops (Cups or Cafezzino in Clinton, MS). I did buy a bag of Guatemala at the local farmers market from a lady whos company was named Campervan Coffee. It was very good coffee and on par with Strange Brew. I get mine already ground and use a Ninja Coffee maker. If I screw up and get whole bean I just put in in my ninja and grind it up. I drink it black nowdays and like it that way, it also cuts down on calories.

If I am camping or am going to be in a hotel for several days I do bring a French press and my own coffee. That way I don't have to rely on the crap they serve at the hotel.


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2004
We use a Keurig because of convenience although we do have a French press that we occasionally break out on a Saturday or Sunday.

I only drink 1 cup when I wake up. The wife drinks it all day. Cream and a little sugar.

Perd Hapley

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I’m a McCafe guy myself….the ground from the grocery store though. McDonald’s, for all its faults, makes a damn fine cup of coffee.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
I don’t drink coffee, I’m an iced tea drinker. My wife drinks coffee, she likes Duncan best and Community if she can’t find Duncan. I bought her and assortment of Strange Brew Kcups for Christmas a few years ago. Whatever sealed the tops of the cups was Kevlar or something, her Keurig wouldn’t punch a hole in the top of maybe one out of four pods. She ended up giving them away.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Hell yes I’m a coffee snob. Problem is, inflation got me, so I’m off the Starbucks Keurigs and back on the Folgers out of the pot.

I’ll still splurge when I see a good coffee shop, esp in the afternoon.

I used to be like Jimmy back in the day, no freeze dried tasters choice. But damn, grocery store is out of control

The Cooterpoot

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Get all mine from Bad *** Coffee online. The Hawaiian stuff. Cook it in a Ninja. Seems smooth but I'm no coffee expert. I'd drink motor oil if it gave me energy.
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Jan 8, 2008
I’m a bit of a coffee snob. I have an aeropress and buy whole beans from a local shop. I have a manual grinder.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2008
I’ve got a small 4 pot mr coffee and keurig. I probably split 50/50 which one I use. I did get a grinder last year so buy whole bean for the mr coffee and grind when I make a pot. Don’t really have a brand preference, normally buy whatever Kroger has on sale. I only have a cup in the morning, then maybe one in the afternoon - but it’s whatever we have at work, made by whoever was kind enough to refill it last (can be ok or terrible)

I very rarely add anything to my coffee, or buy strange brew / Starbucks. Maybe once or twice a month.

The Peeper

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
Not a snob but I do enjoy some joe. Grind my own so I buy whole bean. Have a fancy maker.
I’m always intrigued by the aluminum maker that you use. It does seem like a ton of work.
Cream only. I do enjoy the occasional Cuban though. That’s about as flavored as I get. Hot until summer and I’ll enjoy it iced in the pm then.
I enjoy the small coffee shops but patronize Starbucks purely out of convenience.
For the life of me, I can’t understand how people drink that burnt shite that comes from office coffee makers. It’s like it was brewed using coffee beans roasted in shite. Just left a film in my mouth merely thinking about it. Pardon me while I go spit.
I've got an electric water pot I heat the water in while I'm getting the filter and coffee ready in the aluminum pot. Pour water over the coffee grounds in the upper section and let it drip through. The first cup or two are the best, the rest has to sit in the pot and be kept warm on a burner. I see those old pots often on eBay. I keep mine mainly for the occasional weekend use or if we're ever without electricity I can always survive using it on my gas stove or propane burners outside. It's really not hard especially when comparing to a French Press, matter of fact they are a lot alike in taste and function
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Active member
Feb 22, 2008
I enjoy a latte, but I’m a long way from a coffee snob. I have a keurig k-cafe, it does a “shot” that’s kind of like espresso. It has a milk frother attached- but I have a stand-alone one that works better (and the attached one has broken twice, I’ve replaced it once).
I usually use oat milk to save calories. It foams up better than skim milk.


Active member
Mar 20, 2008
I have an old aluminum coffee pot as well. Use it when the power goes out. I was the one who got up and made my mother her morning coffee in one of those. I actually know someone who had never seen or heard of one.


Active member
Mar 31, 2021
"Sprint Mart connoisseur" At 10 cups a day, all day, 365, I do the 96ct Great Value K-cup boxes at home and Pilot (or similar) truck stops when traveling. Medium Dark and black.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2011
I drink the cheap stuff. Lucky for me the cheap stuff here in Honduras is what you all buy from specialty shops in the US. My closest friend has a high altitude coffee farm so I buy his $5 a lb.

It's a travesty what coffee farmers (and pickers) make compared to what it sells for.

I'm only a coffee snob when I visit the US. Still love my strange brew blueberry cobbler and bring a bag or two back for "dessert" coffee.

Best coffee I've ever had was home made in a village roasted over a wood fire then ground and boiled right in a pot (again over wood fire). Worst coffee I've ever had was the same thing but a different persons home.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
of this one.

Does the Pack have coffee snob members or do you buy Great Value, Strange Brew (our sponsor) or whatever's on sale? Are you a french press fanatic, a Keurig user, pour through, cheap Mr. Coffee maker, or do you just stop and buy the swill sold at the corner convenience store? Do you grind your own or buy it already ground?

Most local coffee roasters I've seen charge $16-$22 for 12oz bags and I'm a cheap SOB and don't partake of that price range. My usual is already ground McCafe or Dunkin Donut. I've got a French press I'll occasionally use that tastes really good but hate the cleanup with that. I've got a Keurig I use mostly but my favorite coffee comes from an old aluminum Wearever from the late 50's early 60's just like the one below. It's kind of a pain but you put a flat round filter in the bottom of the top part of this maker and pour your coffee grounds on it. Boil the water in a separate container then pour it over the coffee and it trickles through the filter and through very tine holes into the bottom part. Makes the best coffee I've been able to make at home. I've also got an old burr grinder like the one below I got from my grandmother I'm about to fix up and try grinding my own on occasion.

View attachment 361619 View attachment 361626

So what you got, are you a Coffee Snob, Sprint Mart connoisseur or hate that bitter arse crap and don't drink it?

Edited to say I only drink it hot and black. If somebody makes flavored stuff or offers me cream, or iced, or in any way adulterated you're wasting your time.
Black coffee. I appreciate good coffee but drink all. Own a French press, mill grinder, coffee pot and Keurig. Most days it’s kcups from Sam’s or Costco.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I have to drink decafe these days due to racing heart issues. It's just not the same but I drink Folgers or Community decafe. Any recommendations for those who are forced to drink this crap?


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2018
I drink Folgers dark roast most of the time at home, but never turn down anything else. I do pick up a bag of blueberry cobbler from Strange Brew a couple of times a year. It’s pretty dang good. Been drinking everything with Italian Sweet Cream or one of the other creamers for several years but make the commitment to go black about 2 months ago. I still crave the sweet cream some mornings but I am just about over the hump now. It’s like the Luke Bryan song says, black coffee in the morning, dark whiskey in the evening. Great song if you like the outdoors. With all that being said, my favorite is a big cup of real cowboy coffee brewed with mountain creek water way back in the middle of nowhere in Wyomings Teton Wilderness. If you have never had real cowboy coffee your life is not complete.

Augustus McCrae

Active member
Aug 25, 2012
I'm not a snob and I don't drink nearly as much coffee as I used to. These days I have one cup in the morning with a little bit of sugar added and that's it for the day. I have a Keurig and prefer darker roast so I typically just buy whatever is on sale. Costco's Kirkland brand Pacific Bold is a go to.

ETA: We have a hunting cabin in MS and we use an old percolator pot there. I couldn't tell you how old that thing is but it makes damn good coffee and it's still going strong after all these years. The number one rule at the cabin (after hunter and firearm safety of course) is the first person up in the morning has to plug in the coffee pot.
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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2018
Slow boil mountain creek water on a wood fire, add a hand full of coffee, let it boil for 3-4 minutes, move it off of the fire, pour a little cold creek water in the top and down the spout which makes the grounds settle quickly to the bottom, wait about 2-3 minutes and pour yourself a cup. This old method removes any and all bitterness from the coffee. Cowboy Kent Rollins has a good U tube video on exactly how to make it if anyone is interested.


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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
2-3 cups each morning and I change flavors every can between Folgers, Walmart, and the occasional K cup. I can be a snob but inflation has killed most of that.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Coffee- the best smell and the worst taste.

I obviously dont go near the swill, but my wife does. She used to drink a lot, then gave it up for 5 or so years, and now does a really elaborate process to ensure she only has 2 cups per day.
We now buy this espresso powder that costs like $8 for 6 tablespoons and she puts one scoop in a canning jar mixed with milk. She preps 2 of them each night for the next day. They go in the fridge and she warms up half a travel mug of water then pours this jar mixture in.

She swears it tastes great, I just stare at her from across the kitchen wondering how the 17 she came up with this process.
I hate cleaning those jars because the stupid lids split apart since they are canning jars.



Jul 5, 2011
I have to drink decafe these days due to racing heart issues. It's just not the same but I drink Folgers or Community decafe. Any recommendations for those who are forced to drink this crap?
Try out Barrie House decaf. It's my preferred decaf brand. 100% better than the ones you mentioned. I usually drink 2 cups a night.
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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
of this one.

Does the Pack have coffee snob members or do you buy Great Value, Strange Brew (our sponsor) or whatever's on sale? Are you a french press fanatic, a Keurig user, pour through, cheap Mr. Coffee maker, or do you just stop and buy the swill sold at the corner convenience store? Do you grind your own or buy it already ground?

Most local coffee roasters I've seen charge $16-$22 for 12oz bags and I'm a cheap SOB and don't partake of that price range. My usual is already ground McCafe or Dunkin Donut. I've got a French press I'll occasionally use that tastes really good but hate the cleanup with that. I've got a Keurig I use mostly but my favorite coffee comes from an old aluminum Wearever from the late 50's early 60's just like the one below. It's kind of a pain but you put a flat round filter in the bottom of the top part of this maker and pour your coffee grounds on it. Boil the water in a separate container then pour it over the coffee and it trickles through the filter and through very tine holes into the bottom part. Makes the best coffee I've been able to make at home. I've also got an old burr grinder like the one below I got from my grandmother I'm about to fix up and try grinding my own on occasion.

View attachment 361619 View attachment 361626

So what you got, are you a Coffee Snob, Sprint Mart connoisseur or hate that bitter arse crap and don't drink it?

Edited to say I only drink it hot and black. If somebody makes flavored stuff or offers me cream, or iced, or in any way adulterated you're wasting your time.
I don't like coffee. It's a waste of money.

The Peeper

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
I have to drink decafe these days due to racing heart issues. It's just not the same but I drink Folgers or Community decafe. Any recommendations for those who are forced to drink this crap?
I cut mine to 50/50 regular and decaf to help lower BP for awhile. It was better maybe try that and see if it helps. I've seen it canned like that too by Maxwell House I believe
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Active member
Sep 30, 2022
I’m more of a brewed cacao drinker.
99.9% caffeine free but contains the naturally occurring stimulant theobromine which is a little more pleasant than caffeine


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2022
Massive coffee snob here.

I prefer to buy green beans and roast them myself. I will buy expensive roasted coffee beans, but only if they were roasted within the last week or so. I will pay a lot of money for a good roast, but there is definitely a point of diminishing returns.

Pure Hawaiian Kona coffee is delicious and hard to beat. It is not, however, 5 times better than other good coffees. There is a limit to what I will pay.

I've tried every brewing method available, and I believe as long as your water is at least 208 degrees you can extract excellent flavor. There are a few home drip brewers that reach that temperature, but they can cost $300 or more. I currently prefer a manual pour over method. It is time consuming since you can't just leave it alone, but it has become part of my morning ritual.

We have some excellent coffee roasters in the Atlanta area. My favorite is Dancing Goats. Jittery Joes is also really good. I prefer African beans, particularly pea berries from Ethiopia and Tunisia. South American coffees can also be really good. I generally do not like Asian coffees.
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Mar 17, 2009
Three or four years ago we went decaf on coffee and tea. The first month, we did half-calf and then went full decaf.

There are some fantastic decaf water processed. My go-to is Peet's. Always a pour-over except if I'm in a hurry, I'll use a Keurig.

Like the previous poster said, it's not a bad idea to take your paraphernalia with you if you're going to be in a hotel for several days. When we leave for vacation in a few weeks, the water boiling pot, the coffee, filters, and pour-over device will be packed. It's worth it, unless you know where you're going has a great coffee shop.

If drinking decaf disqualifies me as a snop/connoisseur, then so be it. It's been better for the old blood pressure. Now, if I get ahold of some caffeinated coffee, it really has an effect, more so than when I was drinking it all the time. I think my senses got dulled to it.

The Peeper

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
It's been better for the old blood pressure. Now, if I get ahold of some caffeinated coffee, it really has an effect, more so than when I was drinking it all the time. I think my senses got dulled to it.
I think it hits different people differently. I worked w/ a guy that if he didn't have a couple cups by 10: 00 he claims he had massive headaches all day and if he drank it in the evening he wouldn't be able to sleep.

Until about a year ago I made what the pot said was 10 cups every morning and drank that by 7:00. But on occasion if I was busy , out of town, sometimes I wouldnt' have any and it had no effect on me at all. I can have 2 or 3 cups after dinner w/ dessert and sleep like a baby w/ no issues either. I still drink about 6 cups every morning and my BP is fine, better in March checkup than its ever been but I guess that could be because I'm drinking 6 instead of 10 cups in the morning


Active member
May 28, 2007
I only drank coffee in the winter but before the doctor told me to stop coffee altogether, I was drinking VTAC Berserker Blend from Black Rifle. Silencer Smooth was good too.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2022
I think it hits different people differently. I worked w/ a guy that if he didn't have a couple cups by 10: 00 he claims he had massive headaches all day and if he drank it in the evening he wouldn't be able to sleep.

Until about a year ago I made what the pot said was 10 cups every morning and drank that by 7:00. But on occasion if I was busy , out of town, sometimes I wouldnt' have any and it had no effect on me at all. I can have 2 or 3 cups after dinner w/ dessert and sleep like a baby w/ no issues either. I still drink about 6 cups every morning and my BP is fine, better in March checkup than its ever been but I guess that could be because I'm drinking 6 instead of 10 cups in the morning
I used to drink up to 30 oz. a day, just because I like it. My doctor has talked me down to 16 oz. If I can't drink my 16 oz. In the morning, I miss it, but it doesn't seem to affect me physically.

When I was in school, I could drink coffee all night long while studying, and then fall right to sleep when I went to bed. These days any caffeine after 5 pm could keep me awake.

The Cooterpoot

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
I'm curious now, why a doctor told folks to stop drinking it. Heart? I never drank coffee until Covid. But it doesn't really keep me awake (as I post at 3 am). Makes me poop and keeps me from eating. But I can fall asleep after drinking it.
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