The Iron Lady


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021

Good article. But, there is benefit in consensus. It’s just not necessary or required at Penn State where unanimity rules. The problem is the BOT isn’t invested in the success of the university - merely the personal benefits gained from a ‘yes’ vote. They play with other people’s money and answer to no one. Good work if you can get it.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2021
Good article. But, there is benefit in consensus. It’s just not necessary or required at Penn State where unanimity rules. The problem is the BOT isn’t invested in the success of the university - merely the personal benefits gained from a ‘yes’ vote. They play with other people’s money and answer to no one. Good work if you can get it.
Consensus after independent thought and meaningful deliberation is one thing... institutionalized unanimity is another. Or, as a wise man once said:

"Where consensus is institutionalized, ignorance is sure to follow - and all hope for excellence is lost."

FWIW (and you can look it up):
Of the 21 Appointed members of the BOT (21 are appointed, 15 are elected - either through Alumni Election (9), or the Agriculture Caucuses (6)) 20 of the 21 appointees, going back 5 years, have never, not even once, voted anything but Aye - to everything ever presented.

(The one appointed member who voted no, did so once - IIRC, to a tuition hike. That Trustee was the appointed Faculty Rep)


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
“We have the money or can get it, then go for it. Now, on to the chips and onion dip.”
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