The main reason Polk is going mental


New member
Jun 25, 2006
He promised Tommy the job if he ever left. He couldn't deliver. He knows he screwed Raffo and basically lied to him. It made him look bad. Raffo's career is so fugged up now it's tragic. And Polk knows he is to blame.

I agree also that Tommy should have cut the apron strings for a while and proved himself somewhere, ala Patty Mac, then came back and been the heir apparent.

Polk is mental because he knows he hurt Raffo more than anything or anyone else. Byrne and Cohen are good scapegoats to blame it on.

I also agree with the post about the former player. I camped and planned to walk on at State. Shoulder surgery prevented that. The way he's acting goes against every thing he preached on. This ain't the Coach I met and talked with on many occasions. This is a man I truly believe is having a mental or nervous breakdown. People close to him need to intervene.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
He hasn't made the best career choices so far, but his career is hardly "fugged up." He shouldn't have any trouble finding an assistant coaching job in one of the power conferences or a head coaching job at a smaller school (like a Northwestern LA or Old Dominion to use a couple of examples that MSU coaches have coached at).