The possible/probable ramifications of all this...


New member
May 28, 2007
1) Bianco won't have his pick of the litter anymore. The rivalry between State and OM is about to heat up, and although it will be on a far lesser scale, I am guessing the intensity will be on the level of OM/MSU football in the late 90's. OM fans already hate Cohen. No more of our coach hugging and complimenting Bianco. That's over.

2) We will be at least a competitive baseball program again very soon. He will interject energy and accountability into this program. No more griping about the NCAA and our limitations. If what he did at Kentucky is any indication, we will be disciplined and enthusiastic, and he will do what it takes to win games. Hallelujah.

3) We have an AD who is concerned about one thing and one thing only, and that's doing what is best for MSU. We all felt good about Greg, but the proof is in the pudding. He has proven himself, and we can expect him to continue to make decisions like this on into the future. No more Templeton ********.

I guess this post belongs on GP, but it is an absolute great day to be a State fan. We have a new coach with a proven track record and a desire to win, and we have a new AD who doesn't settle for anything and gets the job done.


Jun 4, 2007
Possible side-effects and fallout to rain on your happy time post. (Just playing devils advocate because I agree with the process and decision)

Ron Polk is a legend in the baseball community and we possibly just alienated and pushed him completely out the door. Loss of a good bit of money, property, a respected spokesman for the sport, our best raiser of funds, and the man who the vast majority of the MSU fan base associates with the program.

There will be a LOT of turnover on the team if the players hold true to their threats of leaving if Cohen received the job. If there is a lot of turnover, it will make it even harder for a successful first season.

The fallout from Ron Polk could cause problems, but hopefully Coach Polk will step aside and do what is best for the university and the MISSISSIPPI STATE Baseball program, as he could still be a great asset to have in the Bryne Building.


New member
May 28, 2007
...a) disappear or b) get on board. And while I agree that he is the face of the baseball program and likely always will be, he will no more be an ambassador of MSU than he was its baseball coach. Meaning that he is concerned more about college baseball as a whole than MSU, and that is fine, but I'm glad he is not on our payroll anymore. Do it on your own time.

It might be better for John and the baseball program for Ron to leave, whether it be quietly or in a huff. The last thing we need is John feeling like he is looking over his shoulder and meddling in the program. If Ron can't be a man and get out of John's way, I hope he leaves. It'll be better for us in the long run.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
Ron Polk is a legend in the baseball community and we possibly just alienated and pushed him completely out the door. Loss of a good bit of money, property, a respected spokesman for the sport, our best raiser of funds, and the man who the vast majority of the MSU fan base associates with the program.

We won't lose any more money than 3 years of Raffo drawing 2,000 fans per SEC game would cost us (not just in terms of lost ticket revenues but also lost donations.

There will be a LOT of turnover on the team if the players hold true to their threats of leaving if Cohen received the job. If there is a lot of turnover, it will make it even harder for a successful first season.
How could losing a lot of players from this team be a bad thing? We weren't going to have a successful 2009 season no matter who the new coach was and no matter how many players stayed.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
that we are serious about winning and not putting up with mediocrity- just like every other traditionally strong programs in other sports.

If Raffo is so great, and really "deserves" a shot, why has no one tried to get him? Just because he was thought to be in line for the job, some teams could still at least interview him. And IF he is so great, then he will land the Auburn job. He might, if they're stupid. But then again look at their last two baseball coaches. I do think that Auburn will probably get someone pretty good, and it probably won't be Raffo. Maybe Raffo will get the UAB job if Shoop goes to Auburn.</p>Polk may make a big stink about it for a long time, like he does with the NCAA, but he's going to look like an idiot when Cohen is doing well here and MSU baseball is flourishing, and UAB is leading the NCAA in double plays and their entire pitching staff is getting McNickled.
Jun 4, 2007
in five years, when we are heading to omaha, polk will still be crying about how byrne make a stupid move and how much the players at UAB respect raffo.