The Five Stages of Fan Grief or "How I stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Team"
There seems to be a seasonal rite involving kvetching, and for more advanced posters, kvetching about the kvetching.You may even see posts stating "good grief people!". This is in recognition of how critical these processes are to the fanbase.
What's important to recognize is it's part of a process and that we may all be at different stages.
1) Denial - "We deserve better"
2) Anger - "I hate us"
3) Bargaining - "I'll give up tomorrow's scone and latte for an explosive play"
4) Depression - "we're never going to beat Meatchicken if we play like this"
5) Acceptance - "it was a sloppy game, but hey, we won by 3 scores"
So next time you're in a game thread, ask yourself "what stage am I in?"
Five stages of grief - Wikipedia