....earlier tonight basically saying the same thing. I didn't mention respecting his writing in the past(I did), but there's no question that David Murray has become a snake oil peddler since joining Gene Swindoll. It's all about making a living for themselves. There's nothing wrong with that I suppose, except I believe in doing it in ways other than fooling vulnerable people into believing the idea of "everything is fine, move along, there's nothing to see here." Sadly, most MSU fans seem to buy it hook, line and sinker.
The basic train of thought in the Dawgs' Bite/Gene's Page world is that MSU sports, not just football, are akin to man's struggle against evil. "This too shall pass" would make a great motto.
- If MSU is done wrong in the DB/GP world, we don't react and fight back. We just wait until the evil ones get their come-uppance.
- If an MSU sports team fails at something in the DB/GP world, it's nobody's fault. Our opponent was just better.
- In the DB/GP world, no matter how disorganized an MSU sports team looks on game day in comparison to every other team in America, it's nobody's fault at the top. Our administrators are all fine men and women who have done their jobs and earned their paychecks.
- If anyone IS to blame in the DB/GP world, it's the players.........always. Coaches at MSU never do a poor job. They're not the ones shooting the baskets, swinging the bats, or throwing the football. Therefore, they're innocent.
Anyway, this is why I don't care as much about what happens every football season as I used to. I've become numb to it because I know of no other program that's successful on a consistent basis that has as many sheepish fans or as many snake oil salesmen as MSU has. They don't tolerate losses like the one we just had against La. Tech, and they don't sugarcoat lousy coaching performance. They demand excellence, and when they don't get it they find someone who will give it to them. At MSU we don't even pressure a change at the assistant/coordinator positions, much less head coach. How sad is that.......