The way I see it. Right or wrong.


Active member
Nov 11, 2007
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in;">Since Polk's return MSU has been a middle to bottom third level team in the SEC. At the present we are at the bottom team wise and near the bottom program wise. Everyone agrees that last year the team got hot for 5 games and made it to Omaha (at the end of the season, before post season, we were a terrible team).</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;">
</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;">I have heard how Raffo has a different approach to baseball than Polk on several items. If Polk is so certain that Raffo is the answer as our next head coach then why did he not incorporate some of Raffo's ideas over the years (did he not respect Raffo's approach???) and if he did incorporate some then it is quite obvious that Raffo's ideas or approach did not work. You can't have it both ways. Well, it guess you can using Polk's unique thought process.</p>


Feb 26, 2008
until Turner got hurt (then we started sucking). I agree with your basic premise that we got hot at the right time, just don't remember us sucking all that bad until Turner was hurt (seemed to really lower our run totals to not have that key bat in the lineup).


New member
Mar 3, 2008
that "the fire was back" when he returned in 2001. I'm guessing he was talking about heartburn.

The thing is, we don't know, nor do we have any way of knowing that Raffo is or would be different, other than the word of a man who has agendas other than what is good for MSU baseball. At any rate, there is no need to take the chance based on where our team is.

One thing I do know is that you never hear Raffo's name mentioned for ANY head coaching positions, I don't care what KB21 says, and I've never heard anyone say that they wish that they had our hitting coach. I also do know that our recruiting has flat out sucked since he has been handling that, which doesn't give me a whole lot of confidence in him in that area. I know a guy that is pitching for Meridian CC that basically begged to be on the freaking team but Raffo and Polk blew him off, and the guy would have been our ace this year just because of the other assclownery that went on. I'm not saying that the guy is Brandon Webb, but I bet he could have kept his ERA under 6.00.

I also wonder how he would handle criticism, and just knowing his personality, I don't think he would handle it very well. I don't think he would explode or anything like that, but I do think he might shut down. And I don't think he would hold the players accountable. He would likely be a puppet for Polk who would still be running some things from behind the scenes.

We also at the very least need to get rid of McNickle. We're starting to get a reputation that we really don't want as far as handling pitchers. That players mother also told me that she was glad that her son wasn't playing for State this year, and that things probably worked out for the best. She kind of insenuated that she was afraid that our coaches would ruin her sons arm. </p>


New member
Oct 10, 2006
....chance involved with hitting a baseball and where it goes. However,. I've never seen a team hit into as many double plays as we have this year, and in-general over time as Raffo has been the hitting coach. That of course is among other concerns we've had such as bunting and taking called 3rd strikes.

I guess what I'm saying is that Raffo hasn't even proven he's a great hitting coach, much less anything as a head coach at any level. So why in the heck should we promote him? Why should we keep him, period? We need a clean house and a fresh start.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
This whole Raffo deal is NOT about Tommy Raffo or his [lack of] qualification for the head coach position at MS. This is about Ron Polk. This has always been about Ron Polk and only about Ron Polk. Ron Polk is not concerned with whether Raffo is ready. Ron Polk is concerned with controlling his program and his "legacy." It is futile to try and diagnose "why" Polk is so adamant about Raffo being qualified and the best choice. You're wasting your time, because Raffo has essentially nothing to do with this.


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2006
were going to be loaded next year. So now it starts. A: We kick *** next year and the Raffo/McNickle crowd say "This is Raffo's and McNickles's players, this proves they knew what they were doing and deserved the job. We lost last year only because of injuries." or B: We suck and the Raffo/McNickle crowd say "Man, this team was loaded. I don't know if <insert name> was the right choice. We should've kept Raffo and McNickle since they knew the kids and could have gotten more out of them."
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