Things the new head coach needs to do


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
-First off, get with Sylvester Croom and have him agree to sign a few two sport athletes every year. That could free up some scholarship money, and would be an incentive for stud 5-* football players to look at us. Ron Polk's "baseball only" philosophy worked in the 1970's when Disco was king and unlimited scholarships ruled. However, in today's limited scholarship atmosphere it would be very beneficial to have two-sport athletes.

-Get Rashun Dixon's number on speed dial. Didn't he already sign a football scholarship? If so, good. Promise to make him the centerpiece of your team for the next three years. A catcher with a rifle arm and monster power will probably be drafted high, but if the new coach could convince Rashun to hang around, maybe State could get him to carry the team and hopefully he'll get drafted even higher after his junior year. Let's just hope he hasn't already signed with an agent.

-If you're going to be a pitching, defense, bunting speed team, then sign speed players. During Polkie Sherrill's last reign, he didn't have any consistent power hitters who could move runners, yet still played for the "big inning" when all our team could do was hit singles (with no runners in scoring position), strike out looking, or bounce into double plays. If you don't have any mashers in the lineup (and Dudy Noble field isn't conducive to power hitting), then sign guys who put pressure on the defense with their speed. If not, then sign power hitters who will get stronger the longer they're here.

-If some of the players quit because they think the new coach is "mean", SEE YA HATE TO BE YA. Mississippi State baseball is a plus-revenue sport, and if the guys who put on the maroon and white uniform are a bunch of pussies, then the revenue stream will be much lower. If they can't take a little fussing-at by a baseball coach, what do you think it'll be like when they go to Baton Rouge...or Oxford...or the Left Field Lounge when the fans become convinced the Bulldog players have no manhood?

-Sign and develop pitchers. This is one place where college baseball has improved over the past generation. Major League baseball now usually signs flamethrowers, with the philosophy that THEY want to develop these guys into pitchers. The good High School pitcher with average speed, but excellent location and velocity change, is now playing college ball. Polkie Sherrill's philosophy of "working the count" worked back in the days when college teams had one excellent pitcher, one good pitcher, and the rest of the staff were football players trying to get out of spring practice, but now everybody has 3-4 pitchers who can shave the corners of the plate.

-Changing NCAA or conference rules? The new coach doesn't need to concern himself with that. That's what Athletic Directors are for. The Mississippi State baseball coach is likely to be one of the highest paid baseball coaches in the country. He needs to earn that pay by being devoted to Mississippi State baseball. Wanta ***** about scholarship limitations? Apply for the "Assistant AD in charge of bitching about the NCAA", wait, there ISN'T a job slot for that at MState? Well, then quit complaining and start coaching. If you want a hobby, Noxubee Refuge is only 10 miles away. Go shoot ducks.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
1. If they can't take a little fussing-at by a baseball coach, what do you think it'll be like when they go to Baton Rouge...or Oxford...or the Left Field Lounge....
what about the horror of the 3 southern miss fans sitting down the third base line? they won't make it out of there alive.

2. If you want a hobby, Noxubee Refuge is only 10 miles away. Go shoot ducks.
this i agree with wholeheartedly

/ seriously though... i surely hope that the new coach goes on no new crusades against the NCAA. it was a distraction for the team. i would also like to add that the next coach, whoever it may be, should understand that no matter how many wins he has in his tenure at MSU, it does not give him the sole voice when choosing the next coach. it should be left up to the people who have to work with this person in the coming years.