This fall's Maroon vs White Game


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Or whatever Coach Cohen will call it, should be the fans first time to be involved in the recruiting process. Remember he said the fans at Dudy Noble Field and the tradition will be a recruiting tool to attract the top recruits to MSU.

Usually the fall game is a big recruiting weekend. Especially if it is on a home football game saturday.

Without comparing it too much to the Alabama spring game where they had 90,000 or something like that......How many fans can we pack into Dudy Noble for the Fall Maroon and White Game? 4,000, 5,000, 6,000, 7,000 or even 8,000

I think it would be pretty awesome to fill up the grandstand and the bleachers for a fall baseball game, especially with some of the top high school seniors in the nation there to watch!

Paper Dog

New member
Feb 20, 2008
Coach Polk liked the 4 p.m. Friday game time

That is absolutely horrible from a fans' standpoint


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
the Lounge was open in the fall. What is the reasoning behind making everyone move in and move out? Don't most of these contraptions sit outside and weather anyway?

I certainly don't want to hurt Dudy Gras, but just making a point.