This guy is easily offended.


New member
May 1, 2006
In response to the shadow box, Foglesong writes:

"Academic freedom is a fundamental concept at this university, but that doesn't mean freedom from the responsibility to ensure that our graduates leave here understanding what their employers will expect of them in a professional setting - things like taking care of the employer's property, workplace appearance, and resources," the president wrote.

It sounds fairly benign to me, but architecture professor Michael Berk says in response:

"I told him that memo was the most demeaning, degrading, dismissive and mean-spirited thing that a president could do to a nationally recognized school and its faculty," said Berk.

My recommendation to Michael Berk is that he immediately request a sabbatical and spend a few months in the real world so that he understands the real meaning of being demeaned and treated in a mean-spirited manner.


Active member
Aug 15, 2006
Everyone should try to teach sometime in their professional lives*, but those that hide behind the veil of entitlement due to the fact that may have tenure at a university need to have a little reality slapped their direction. Corporate America would slap that chip off his shoulder.

(*-I taught for two years albeit private high school, not public university)


New member
Jan 23, 2007
I mean, not only does the guy feel that way, but he tells the President that???? Now, I understand that there are constructive ways to give negative feedback to the head of a company. But, put it like that, and the President probably looks at you and says "I'm sorry you were so unhappy about what I said. You should probably look for somewhere else to work. And so that you have proper focus during your search, I am removing you from our employment."

So, not only does Berk feel that any criticism is inappropriate, he feels completely free to criticise the President of the University. I believe in a good dialogue between employee and employer. But, damn, you do have to understand there are limits --everywhere except in academia, that is. It's all bassackwards there.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
wpnetdawg said:
My recommendation to Michael Berk is that he immediately request a sabbatical and spend a few months in the real world so that he understands the real meaning of being demeaned and treated in a mean-spirited manner.

</p>Exactly. This douche obviously could not function in the 'real world' with such hissy fits.


Well-known member
May 8, 2006
I'm saying he deserves the douche of the year award.

Cue pic of Douche.


New member
May 1, 2006
and sets a bad example for his students. There's a way to do things. I'm sure some of us here may not like our boss or some of the things he/she does. But, there is a way to conduct yourself and that is not it.
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