This is going to be a tough rule to enforce...


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
from the LSU board...

<font><font class="PostDisplay">LSU encourages fans to be courteous of other fans in choosing to stand during games. Spontaneous reaction to plays or significant events is expected and encouraged. Continued standing during game action when other fans are sitting is discouraged and will be addressed by game marshals if complaints from other fans are reasonable and continuous.

REASON: Common courtesy dictates that fans should not block the view of other fans who are seated during game action.</font></font>


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
..when it comes to the whole "lack of courtesy" problem at LSU.


New member
Aug 21, 2007
I understand this is LSU, and that's why it's funny. However, I will say that a rule like that makes sense. I understand enthusiasm about the game, and I understand that certain games or sections (see Student section) will likely stand the whole game. I have no problem with that. However, I do have a problem with the handful of jackasses who think that they need to stand up for the entire game even though no one else in the entire section is standing. If it's a big play and you have to stand to see, then stand up. If a big play happens and you stand out of excitement great. Or if you're sitting in a section where the entire section is standing the whole game, that's fine as well.

However, when it's a 3-0 game in the first quarter, and it's 2nd and 10 from the 40 yardline and you're the only idiot in the section standing, then you should be told to sit down by security, and you shouldn't complain when it happens.

skip dog

Nov 15, 2005
From someone taking a bottle to the head from the upperdeck. Last time I was in death valley, when LSU scored, I turned around & looked up at the upper deck, & it was just a wave of **** coming to impact us


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
..."we encourage freedom of religion and dissenting points of view".
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New member
Feb 14, 2008
Good luck with that, LSU administration. Tiger fans are the college football equivalent of soccer hooligans.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2004
Is that what they're calling the group of Boy Scouts from Troop 19 that hangs out by the portals at LSU?


New member
Apr 3, 2007
Same thing can be said for the other way around though. If you're the only old lame codger sitting down with your blanket wrapped around your legs and the ear muffs strapped to your head when it is 90 degrees in the shade when everyone around you is standing up, then do not complain. I don't care if you've been sitting in your seats since Columbus sailed the ocean blue in '92. If you can't handle standing up at a college sporting event then it's time to hang up your driving cap, strap on the oxygen tank and listen to the game on the old tube radio in the comfort of your own hospital bed at the home.


New member
Aug 21, 2007
I agree with that 100%. A prime example was our Motor City Bowl in 1997. I guess because it had been so long since our last bowl game. Anyway, for whatever reason the entire Ole Miss section was standing up pretty much the whole game. It was like watching a game from the student section. Well, our seats were near the top of the Ole Miss section. There were only maybe 10 rows behind us, and they happened to be filled mostly with local fans who were just there to see the game.

Naturally, because the entire section was standing up, we stood up the entire game so that we could see. The people behind us eventually started making comments like "down in front" and crap like that. My dad eventually turned around and told them to go down to the front of all the people and ask them to sit down, because we weren't going to sit down and not be able to see.

If everyone is standing up for any reason whether it's a big third down, or it's just an exciting overtime game, whatever, then you either stand up or sit there with your mouth shut. Conversely, like I said, if it's early in a game against La.-Monroe and no one is standing up in your entire section, then don't stand up just to be an ***.
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