10. We both don't like Ole Piss
9. We both don't like LSU
8. We both have small college towns
7. We both make and sell great cheese
6. We both are the school in the state you attend to "work" for a living (IE not medical or law)
5. We both have the knack to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory at any time on any day
4. North LA and the state of MS have similar backgrounds, cultural makeup, and geography
3. We both recently fired an ignoramus athletic director
2. We are both engineering schools
9. We both don't like LSU
8. We both have small college towns
7. We both make and sell great cheese
6. We both are the school in the state you attend to "work" for a living (IE not medical or law)
5. We both have the knack to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory at any time on any day
4. North LA and the state of MS have similar backgrounds, cultural makeup, and geography
3. We both recently fired an ignoramus athletic director
2. We are both engineering schools