Tuscaloosa News Article


Active member
Nov 28, 2006

"I knew this was our mecca, the place for us to be. I've come here as an opponent. I'm happy to come here as a Bulldog."
Former High School Coach weighs in:
Don McNabb, former baseball coach at Tuscaloosa Academy, recalled watching an ESPN game when Cohen hit a walk-off home to beat LSU.

"You would have thought it was Christmas at our house, the way we were celebrating," McNabb said. "It's like watching one of your sons play. They'll always be that way to me because you spend so much time together.

"John is one of those guys I just enjoyed watching grow up. I knew he was destined for big things, especially in baseball, but a lot of people don't realize how good an all-around athlete he was.

"It's unbelievable what he did at Kentucky and how good they are and what their facilities look like, but that's him. He's got such a dynamic personality. He gets people to where they want to help him, and the community rallies around him and the kids find out that somebody cares about them. To me, that's one of the greatest assets you can have as a coach.

"Now that he's close, I might be able to see him coach a little more."

Barkman Turner Overdrive

Well-known member
May 28, 2006
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Cohen's last Kentucky team, which went 44-19, had two All-Americans, four All-SEC players</span> and 17 who made the SEC Academic Honor Roll. Gary Henderson, the pitching coach on Cohen staff for five years, was promoted to the position of head coach at Kentucky. <span style="font-weight: bold;">Polk's last team finished at 23-33 overall, 9-21 in the SEC.</span>
I like how they twist that knife in Polk one last time.


Jun 4, 2007
Alabama has actually made a lot of progress in the past 6 years or so since I left Tuscaloosa. Until just a couple years ago once you got a mile and a half into Alabama on 82, it would turn back to 2 lane for about 13 miles until shortly before reform. Of course the stretch from reform to gordo will likely never get any better as those 2 cities live heavily off the speed traps and tickets from there. But in the outer lying areas of tuscaloosa (northport, coker, and farther west) the land was cleared and bridges were built only for the state to run out of money. But, in the past couple months, they have finally re-started the project and looks as in the next couple years Starkville to Tuscaloosa will be finally 4 laned the whole way minus the short trek from Reform to Gordo.

I absolutely hate the stretch right where you enter Tuscaloosa County where the road construction is finally being started on again, the OLD bridges are not safe, the roads aren't too wide with very little shoulder, and trucks transverse this route very often. Deadly wrecks use to occur fairly often in that area.

Optimus Prime 4

New member
May 1, 2006
or the Boars Butt, and cutting through Natural Bridge. But there were working on that **** for a solid fifteen years.


New member
Oct 8, 2006
The only part of Tuscaloosa Co. not 4 laned is where the 5 or 6 new bridges are (where they've done nothing the past 2-3 years). But, it looks like they're getting ready to finish that too, with new dirt there. But the old 4 lane sections aren't very good and need improvement, and I doubt they'll do anything about it.

I wouldn't mind seeing a direct bypass of Northport from I-20 to 82 (going to Columbus), but I'm sure it won't happen as long as the toll bridge is there.

And MSU will win a national championship in football before Reform and Gordo will be bypassed.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
BewareOfMSUDawg said:
I wouldn't mind seeing a direct bypass of Northport from I-20 to 82 (going to Columbus), but I'm sure it won't happen as long as the toll bridge is there.

And MSU will win a national championship in football before Reform and Gordo will be bypassed.

There has been talk of doing away with the toll at the bridge but i don't see it happening anytime soon.
It is planned to bypass Gordo. Reform is to small and is already 4-laned so they are not going to bypass it.</p>