“I wanted to go down memory lane to that old visitor’s locker room, the artistry of which I truly admire. I mean that sincerely. Maybe my taste and view on football and sports are a little different than others, but the old visitor’s locker room at Mississippi State was literally a work of art. And now it’s an office. …
“Obviously, if you’re the home team, you want to have most advantageous visitor’s locker room you possibly can. Nowadays, in these kinder and gentler days — it was utterly outstanding. Just the thought that went into it, the malicious intent, the ‘Hey, it’s tough to play on the road attitude.’ Yep.
“And I counted them and — if I recall right — 37 nails in a concrete block, two toilets with no seats or no lids in the middle. One roll of toilet paper in the middle. And I was convinced here I’d have the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of the locker room of that magnitude.”