I would hit it like James Carville on Mary Matalin. As long as I didn't have to listen to her talk.
To make sure this gets locked sooner rather than later, I just want to say I hate the term "pro-life". I am pretty sure just about all democrats are "pro-life". Conservatives want to kill adults in prison, while democrats want to give women the right to choose what to do with a bundle of cells in her own body. It always seems so stupid that the people shouting to keep government out of everything want the government to interfere in a woman's life and tell her what she can and can't do. As an upstanding compassionate liberal Christian, I have no problem separating how I would handle the situation personally versus the fact that I have no right to tell someone else how to handle the situation for themselves. Stop telling me (and all the women in the US) what I can and can't do!