Well I guess the NBA realized J-Money is a Tweener...


Jun 4, 2007
For all the hell I caught about J-Money playing out of position, looks like the NBA agreed.
Jamont is a tweener, he is a forward stuck in a guards body and has no position in the NBA.
If he was four or five inches taller he could play the small forward.
Jamont's lack of a consistent outside shot, turnovers, and ball-hogging, was his downfall.

Looks like his plan he talked Stans into backfired.
Too bad our coach has no control over his paid players or we might have made the sweet 16 or elieight 8 this past year.
If Stans had gotten a point guard on campus, J-Money could have played the 3 and we would have won the SEC and had a higher seed.

I just hope Osby doesn't want to be the next Magic Johnson.
He should be playing the 3 or 4 for us.

I wish Jamont the best in his pro future in Italy or SE Asia.
At least the food, wine and women are all good in Italy.
I would gladly live there for 10 years.


Jun 4, 2007
For all the hell I caught about J-Money playing out of position, looks like the NBA agreed.
Jamont is a tweener, he is a forward stuck in a guards body and has no position in the NBA.
If he was four or five inches taller he could play the small forward.
Jamont's lack of a consistent outside shot, turnovers, and ball-hogging, was his downfall.

Looks like his plan he talked Stans into backfired.
Too bad our coach has no control over his paid players or we might have made the sweet 16 or elieight 8 this past year.
If Stans had gotten a point guard on campus, J-Money could have played the 3 and we would have won the SEC and had a higher seed.

I just hope Osby doesn't want to be the next Magic Johnson.
He should be playing the 3 or 4 for us.

I wish Jamont the best in his pro future in Italy or SE Asia.
At least the food, wine and women are all good in Italy.
I would gladly live there for 10 years.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
it did not matter where Jamont played, you would have been bitching he was playing out of position since he was a "tweener".


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
Surely you aren't really that stupid. I guess Chris Lofton was playing out of position too.


New member
Aug 30, 2006
he's been waiting for this day forever to "prove" his point that jamont wasn't a good college g...because he wasn't the first "pg" taken in the draft...and he sTILL doesn't get it. unbelievable. and to the jab on playing overseas, i'm sure he'll see alot more money tahn 90% of the people (probably higher) on this board see in a year.


Jun 4, 2007

Lofton is a shooting guard..
He was not drafted b/c he is a set shooter and there were serious medical questions concerning his testicular cancer ..
He should catch on somewhere as a role player.

ps. be sure to follow through on that forehand.


Jun 4, 2007
You are correct, not in the NBA.
This is why he was not drafted.

I just think he should have played the 3, not the 1 while at MSU.
Just imagine this lineup.

1. ?? Point Guard(Stans failed to find)
2. Randy or Ben
3. J-Money
4 C-Rhodes
5 Swat


New member
May 22, 2006
is that nobody disagreed with you that Jamont was a "tweener". We all knew that. What I took exception to was your fantasy that Gordon "forced" Stans to agree to "his plan." That's just fiction. We didn't have a true point guard for several reasons, not one of which was because Stans was following Jamoney's "orders" to adhere by his "plan."

And Gordon playing point was the best option Stans had with the personnel we had last season.


Jun 4, 2007
MadDawg wrote: _________________________________________________ is that nobody disagreed with you that Jamont was a "tweener". We all knew that. What I took exception to was your fantasy that Gordon "forced" Stans to agree to "his plan." That's just fiction. We didn't have a true point guard for several reasons, not one of which was because Stans was following Jamoney's "orders" to adhere by his "plan."

And Gordon playing point was the best option Stans had with the personnel we had last season.

Believe what you want about Stans and J-Money...
Jamont ran the show while at MSU. He did what he wanted and Stans just watched from the bench.
Any other player pulls his crap in the game and Stans had their *** on the bench, Rhodes included.
Not sure if you have been watchinf the same MSU team for the past three years that I have.

Why did we not have a pg last year? Stans did not recruit one, that's why?</p>


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
fishwater99 said:
ps. be sure to follow through on that forehand.

Been working on that. It's better than it used to be, but still needs improvement. </p>


New member
Aug 28, 2007
Believe what you want about Stans and J-Money...
Jamont ran the show while at MSU. He did what he wanted and Stans just watched from the bench.
Any other player pulls his crap in the game and Stans had their *** on the bench, Rhodes included.
Not sure if you have been watchinf the same MSU team for the past three years that I have.

Yeah, so I guess I was imagining **** when Stans benched Gordon during the Ole Miss game 2yrs ago. Jamont ran the show, because he was the only one that showed up for each game. Hell, Charles would pick and choose when to be a leader. </p>
Why did we not have a pg last year? Stans did not recruit one, that's why?
Yeah I guess you keep forgetting that Ellis went pro, Richard Delk didn't pan out, Stewart and Hans also didn't work out. Other than that, you are correct. Stans didn't recruit a pg. Basically, what I get from your post are that you either don't comprehend things very well, you are very hard headed, or you are just plain retarded. If it's the last option, then I apologize and will come out and support you in the special olympics. If it's the other 2, then I will still come out and support you in the special olympics, because no one will be able to tell that you aren't retarded.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
you would be much better off if you would just clarify your statements

Why did we not have a pg last year? Stans did not recruit one, that's why?
should be:

Why did we not have a pg last year? Stans did not recruit one that made it to campus, that was good enough, or that stayed on the team?
you know he recruited point guards...if you don't then we have clearly been watching two different teams over the last few years.


New member
May 1, 2006
I can't help but see from the content of your post that you've looked at tangible evidence and used reasoning to arrive at your conclusion. That clearly disqualifies you from discussing this topic since we are supposed to make wild assumptions that fit our own agenda rather than attempt to ascertain the truth. After all, that's the type of "thinking" that has produced these two gems posted by the Stans complaint club in the last 24 hours: "Stans refused to recruit a point guard" and "neither Stans or MSU fans demnaded enough from Gordon".


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
i redact my above statement. it clearly uses logic which is totally uncalled for in this situation.

Fletch Fletcher

New member
Sep 25, 2006
fishwater99 said:
At least the food, wine and women are all good in Italy.

I've been all over Italy. Their women are nothing to get excited about. The talent here in the south is 1000% better. The food is good but it gets old fast eating nothing but carbs. The wine is unbelievable!</p>

Ciao Jamont!


Jun 4, 2007
Stans may have recruited point guards, but they did not come to MSU b/c they would be on the bench behind J-Money.

You are coorect, Stans failed to land a PG in S-Vegas... Coincidence?


Jun 4, 2007
Fletch Fletcher said:
[b said:
fishwater99[/b]]At least the food, wine and women are all good in Italy.

I've been all over Italy. Their women are nothing to get excited about. The talent here in the south is 1000% better. The food is good but it gets old fast eating nothing but carbs. The wine is unbelievable!</p>

Ciao Jamont!

</p>Well it depends on what part of Italy he would end up.
If it is near Milan or Rome the women are pretty damn hot, down south, not quite so good, a little hairy.
They do have some good pork and beef in Tuscany, but you are right about the carbs..
Even the cheap wine is good in Italy...


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
i am not trying to get into the argument of why we didn't get one. my point was that you were saying he didn't recruit a PG. recruiting and actually having a person work out are two separate things. there are tons of reasons why someone may not make it to campus, may not work out, and may not be good. but that does not take away from the FACT that Stans recruited PGs. and in no way can you reasonably say "Stans may have recruited point guards" without either intending to instigate an argument or just being dumb. Stans did recruit them. Period.

if you would just clarify your argument a bit it may actually hold water...maybe.

Afro Dawg

New member
Jan 23, 2007
You just don't get it, do you? You create this wacked out theory that somehow Jamont was this Suge Knight character who somehow controlled the MSU basketball team and scared Stans into not recruiting a PG, then when actually confronted with facts and logic, you just keep on cruising undeterred.

It's like JR and Coach34 hooked up 18 years ago and then Bam! Out pops Fishwater99, a delicious blend of retardation able to reach unprecedented heights of dumbassedry.


Jun 4, 2007
DerHntr said:
i am not trying to get into the argument of why we didn't get one. my point was that you were saying he didn't recruit a PG. recruiting and actually having a person work out are two separate things. there are tons of reasons why someone may not make it to campus, may not work out, and may not be good. but that does not take away from the FACT that Stans recruited PGs. and in no way can you reasonably say "Stans may have recruited point guards" without either intending to instigate an argument or just being dumb. Stans did recruit them. Period.

if you would just clarify your argument a bit it may actually hold water...maybe.

So who did Stans recuit that did not come to MSU??
We had Wise signed, but then backed off him and he ended up at USM.
Why did we back off and not offer after Prep School? B/C we had Jamont at the point and any pg would be on the bench.</p>


Jun 4, 2007
Afro Dawg said:
You just don't get it, do you? You create this wacked out theory that somehow Jamont was this Suge Knight character who somehow controlled the MSU basketball team and scared Stans into not recruiting a PG, then when actually confronted with facts and logic, you just keep on cruising undeterred.

It's like JR and Coach34 hooked up 18 years ago and then Bam! Out pops Fishwater99, a delicious blend of retardation able to reach unprecedented heights of dumbassedry.

So if someone was paying J-Money under the table, that would give him a lot of leverage.
He used this leverage to talk Stans into letting him play point, so he coud get to the NBA, b/c that was his only hope.
Well it did not work out..

If you are so naive to believe that we don't compensate certian players in CBB, then I would like to sell you some ocean-front property in TN.
It happens at almost every school in the SEC... Trust me...
And no I do not have a smoking gun, but it happened at both Ole Miss and MSU in the late 80's and early 90's in football and basketball.
I have seen the cash and cars when I was in school.

OJ mayo and Reggie Bush are prime Pac-10 examples.</p>


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
fishwater99 said:
We had Wise signed, but then backed off him and he ended up at USM.
Why did we back off and not offer after Prep School?

Maybe we figured we already had enough 32% 3-point shooters and turnover machines on our team. </p>


Active member
Mar 20, 2008
<font color="#CC0000">We had Wise signed, but then backed off him and he ended up at USM.
Why did we back off and not offer after Prep School?

</font><font color="#000000">Could it be that his mama or papa wanted mucho $$$$ ??? Ever considered that ???</font>


New member
Aug 28, 2007
So if someone was paying J-Money under the table, that would give him a lot of leverage.
He used this leverage to talk Stans into letting him play point, so he coud get to the NBA, b/c that was his only hope.
Well it did not work out..
How the hell could he use that as leverage, when if he did do that, would hurt his career also? Do you think this **** through or do you have a book sitting in front of you called "spewing ******** 101"?


New member
May 1, 2006
"So if someone was paying J-Money under the table, that would give him a lot of leverage.
He used this leverage to talk Stans into letting him play point, so he coud get to the NBA, b/c that was his only hope. "

The use of the word "if" in your post turns out to be most telling since your whole argument is without question a theory not based anywhere in fact, but yet put forth as if it was.

The main thing you geniuses have yet to adequately answer, and in some cases even acknowlege, is this: who, other than Jamont, could have played point guard for the past two and a half seasons in an adequate fashion? I still maintain that Jamont Gordon played point guard for MSU because he was far superior to any other option we had, and in fact no other player managed to not be a liability in any kind of extended play at this position against SEC level competition.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
We had Wise signed, but then backed off him and he ended up at USM.
a coach is in the recruiting process by having someone signed and then backing off of him. this is part of recruiting. i have no clue why they backed off of the guy. argue your Jamont Conspiracy theories with someone else. i just wanted to point out that your theory that he didn't recruit PGs (for whatever crazy reason) was flawed because it is a fact that he did.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
fishwater99 said:
So who did Stans recuit that did not come to MSU??</p>

in Jamont's time at MSU:
- RICHARD DELK signed. he was a PG in HS.
- Barry Stewart signed. he played combo guard before MSU.
- Ben Hansbrough signed. he played combo guard before MSU.
- Jeremy Wise signed. he was a PG and later a combo guard.
- we also recruited Bobby Maze, a PG.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
i love how you hang on to dear life to the line "that did not come to MSU" there were guys who were recruited as PG and did come to MSU but didn't work out. see mstateglfr's post for clarification of this.


Jan 23, 2007
- Richard Delk came but turned out to be pretty awful as a PG especially faced with any type of ball pressure. But I guess according to you we should have just dealt with him dribbling the ball of his foot and the massive amount of turnovers he would have had just so we could put Jamont at the 3 and not get the ball to him cause we couldn't get it up the floor.
- Barry Stewart came, but judging off last year's experiment as him as the backup PG, I want no part of him being a starting PG (see my sig picture. Do you really want him playing PG? I didn't even want him starting at SG this year).
- Ben Hansbrough came and did fairly well as the backup PG his freshman year. He said openly in the offseason before his soph. year that he didn't want to be a PG so Stans experimented with Barry as the backup this year.
- Jeremy Wise was recruited and signed by Stansbury. He never made it to campus (psst, this is an answer to your question). I don't know why he wasn't recruited out of prep school, but Stans has a pretty proven track record in his recruiting so I'll trust him.
- As stated before, we also recruited Bobby Maze, a PG (psst, another answer to your question).
- We also recruited and signed Monta Ellis, a PG, but he never made it to campus due to being drafted (psst, answer number 3 to your question).
So there you have your answers. We recruited 3 guys who were PG's, but never made it to campus. We also recruited 3 guys who did make it to campus who were thought to be the answer to our PG problems and would allow Jamont to move off the ball. None, for different reasons, worked out for us. Therefore, Jamont was the best PG we had on our team. I know this will not suffice as an answer for you, so carry on thinking that Jamont ran our coaching staff and team for the last three years.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007



Jun 4, 2007
- Richard Delk (might have played in HS, but Stans should have seen he was not a pg)
- Barry Stewart (Was a SG in HS)
- Ben Hansbrough (Was a SG in HS)
- Jeremy Wise (we dropped the ball, Why?)
- Bobby Maze (Did not come to MSU)
- Monta Ellis (Never was coming to MSU)

Stans may have tried, but he never got a point to MSU, while other schools around the SEC had no problem.
In our own state, Ole Miss seems to find one pretty easily...


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
I'll ask again..

What PG did Stans recruit that did not come to MSU??
and then:

- Jeremy Wise (we dropped the ball, Why?)
- Bobby Maze (Did not come to MSU)
- Monta Ellis (Never was coming to MSU)
in all three of these statements you are saying that these PGs were recruited on some level and each "did not come to MSU" for one reason or another. and as for your Monta Ellis comment...I am 100% certain that if we had not even tried to recruit this guy you would have been the first in line to say this was because of Jamont. or are you suggesting that Stans went through with recruiting Ellis just to disguise his true intentions to let Jamont run the entire basketball program? jeez.


Jan 23, 2007
- Richard Delk (might have played in HS, <span style="font-weight: bold;">but Stans should have seen he was not a pg)</span>
Why should he have seen this? Richard Delk was ranked in the top 100 of his class and as one of the top PG's in the class. Other schools were recruiting him to play PG. I guess you saw it all along though even though coaches and media members paid to scout these guys didn't.