Well the Polk tirade has made the Yahoo front page.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
of a crazy old man

Nov 11, 2007
before coming here, to check e-mail, and the first thing I saw was that article.
With a relatively unflattering, but quite representative, photographic depiction of our "old ball coach."

Linking through to the Rivals message board from that venue, some UK fan suggested that coaches should be required to "sit out" a year when they change to another school, just like players. That's so dumb I don't need to respond. We obviously don't have a corner on delusional fans. There were the usual pompous Rebs, of course, and some dawg who needs more English classes. Oddly enough, one of the most respectful posters was from LSU.

At least, we've had an intriguing topic for discussion during this "off" season, when we aren't travelling to Omaha.

Goodbye, coach, and good luck in your retirement to Arizona.
Be sure to watch games from Dement on TV, gathering material for more talk radio interviews.



Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
i can hear them now when deciding to pass on the AP article: "hey bill...think you can find the most crazy looking picture of this dubmass?" --- mission accomplished.


New member
Aug 21, 2007
I'm sure those same UK fans don't think Billy Gillespie should have had to sit out a year after leaving A&M. I love it when you see grapes go that sour.


Jun 4, 2007
Polk is bat-**** crazy...

"Polk said Friday in an interview with The Associated Press that he asked Cohen not to move so Raffo, Cohen's former Bulldogs teammate under Polk from 1987-90, could get a shot at his first head coaching job. He threatened to actively work to dismantle key components of a program he helped build into one of the nation's best.</p>

"I'm not totally ticked off at John," Polk said in a phone interview from Athens, Ga., where he is attending a super regional at Georgia. "This is not John. This is Greg Byrne. John felt like if he didn't take it, someone else would. I told John everything I was going to do and he still took the job. Boy, he must've really wanted it bad."</p>


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
<font color="#A52A2A"><font color="#000000">'utterly cruel'??? dude, get off the soapbox.
if he wants to take his name off the stadium and take MSU out of his will, then fine. if he is seriously that immature and that knee-jerk reactionary of a person, then take your name off everything. i really cant understand why he would want to throw away the recognition and appreciation for all he has accomplished at MSU, but if that is what he wants, then let him pout and do just that.
he is going to make the new AD's life miserable? man, how much spite and contempt does he hold? his blatent attempts at cronyism are sad to see. part of me actually wants to see what sort of 'warpath' Polk goes on in his quest to 'hurt' the new AD.

what a total joke this has become. a sad sad joke, and MSU is the punchline. luckily, the rantings and ramblings of Polk will probably only last a short while longer before he no longer even has an audience.

man i hope Cohen turns the program around and silences Polk quickly.</font> </font>


New member
Feb 25, 2008
You should submit that photo to wikipedia. They are requesting a photo of Ron Polk for his profile. I can't believe that his profile hasn't been flamed yet.