The real problem is obviously 100% the fault of those demons in the Left Field Lounge that don't let anybody except people they know come in and eat their food and drink their drinks and sit in their meager space. They obviously don't pay enough for those spots nor contribute enough to the Bulldog Club because we aren't winning. Damn ESPN for thinking that the LFL is a nationally unique feature worthy of note on a broadcast, we want them to keep thinking we're poor and downtrodden here in little ole Starkville. We obviously need to tear those down and put a bunch of general admission aluminum bleachers up out there like we had in the 90's and charge $2.50 per seat and we would be so much better off. We also need to downgrade the quality of the chicken tenders in the roof top seating area and Dugout Club and make them pay extra for cups of ice. Once our players hear all of that they will INSTANTLY start hitting the ball, stop giving up 5 plus hits in the 1st inning, remember what they were taught in little league about how to do a proper rundown, and opponents will stop stomping on home plate and saying mean things from their dugout! Hail State, Banner M- State, Script State, Walking Bully State or Whatever the Freaking State, we suck and it needs to change