What if Polk turns out to be right?



Don't bury me yet. I'm just saying...he has put our baseball program in a hard situation. What if two years from now we are looking for a coach? Why take our one semi-constant prize and put it in a bad so, coach? Say it ain't so!

Any way I can buy season tickets to watch the cheese be made?

I can't see straight I am so pizzed off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frances Drebin

New member
Nov 16, 2005
....Polk has done damage to the program, it's still further along than what Cohen walked into at Kentucky. Up there, he had to send his players door-to-door to sell tickets.

That said, Polk has done more damage to himself than anything. There is going to be significant backlash towards him for his comments...I'm seeing it already. It's rare that you see a man flush his legacy down the ******* like this, but that's exactly what he's done. And I say good riddance.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
because I believe Cohen will be reasonably successful at minimum and possibly VERY successful. We will never know exactly how Raffo would have done but the odds are extremely slim that he would have been any more successful than what Cohen will be.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
I agree. first of all I dont think we will ever know if Polk was right because I think Cohen will be fine here and will be here for awhile. Second Polk has done everything possible to alienate himself from MSU today and as far as I am concerned he can take his name off of the stadium, cram the letters in his new buick, take his fat *** to Arizona and stay his *** there


New member
May 28, 2007
He's in the same category with Dickie Scruggs - a disgrace to his school, and doesn't deserve to have his name on a building.


New member
Aug 9, 2007
Polk is NOT right. Polk IS and has ALWAYS been scared someone is going to come in and do what he could not. Polk wants his name off the stadium. Polk is going to call former players and tell them to quit giving. I want to be as far away from this man as possible and the fact that Cohen stood up in the face of this makes me know it was the right choice. Had Raffo had that kind of confidence in himself he may have been successful at another program right now and been a legitimate candidate. But he is not. It's time to face the realization that Polk is not concerned about what is best for Mississippi State.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
First of all, I don't Polk was right. The odds were stacked against Raffo. I imagine that our attendance would have continued to drop, and I think our players would have continued status quo. I also think that McNickle would have stayed around and added to his body count. I also don't think that our recruiting would have gotten any better.

That said, anyone is a risk. Cohen is a risk to a degree, but that's why we wanted someone with experience, because we know with Cohen's track record at places like UK and Northwestern State, that it is more likely that he would succeed than someone without experience. Basically, we took the guy with the least amount of risk for failure, and that's all you can ask for.

Even if Raffo goes to Georgia Southern and they win 5 NC's, I would still stand by my opinion in the first paragraph.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
I have a cousin on th team right now and I know for a fact that if raffo go t the job he was planning on keeping McNickle on. That is reason enough to not give him the job


New member
Aug 20, 2006
Prior to today, Polk was a legend. If he played his cards right, he could have influenced things in the direction that he'd like to see (anti-MSU apparently), but with today's antics I think nobody in the free world would assign him any credibility whatsoever. He's done himself in. And poetically, only he could have done that.


Todd4State said:
Basically, we took the guy with the least amount of risk for failure, and that's all you can ask for.



New member
Mar 28, 2008
....this is probably the best hire (reputation wise) msu has ever had in any sport. john cohen did a 180 with kentucky and is considered one of the best coaches in the country PLUS he is an alum. if he starts out at state and misses the regionals 3 straight years then yeah we were wrong all along but #1 that **** ain't happening and #2 if it does byrne still got it right no matter what. oh yeah, polk can go *@#% himself.


New member
Oct 10, 2006
....had the obligation to put MSU first, not Ron Polk. He did that. If Cohen fails, and Raffo takes a head coaching job somewhere else and does very well, so be it, but you have to stand by your decision. I believe Greg Byrne made the correct decision.

It's really simple. If Cohen fails, fire him a few years from now and hire someone else. But at least Greg Byrne didn't allow Ron Polk to hold MSU baseball hostage. He'll always have my respect for this, no matter how Cohen turns out for us.


Nov 16, 2005
the 15 yrs away that Raffo has coached here & the 4 years he played here. That's about the most stupid statements I have ever heard come out of even a jackasses mouth. Ron can take the sign off the stadium, shove it up his *** till his ears bleed. This sounds like Polk told Raffo he could be the coach someday if he came here & played 4 years & then assistant coached for us for15 yrs. I think he's been going slap dab crazy for the last 7 yrs. Looks like the population of S-vegas is going to minus-1 & the Arizona heat is just gonna fry his brain even more. Poor Tommy was thinking LT was just gonna hand it all over to him till Foglesong threw Mr. Greg Byrne into the mix. Reminds me of the kid that said: but daddy , you told me I was gonna get a new BB gun this Christmas.:(


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
If he can win a western division and/or host a regional in the next several years he`ll be a baseball god to us. Let`s face it , Polk`s second tour of duty was awful to almost everyone but Polk .


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
How many people on here. myself included, were talking about Polk being our new Athletic Director not too long ago? Made sense at the time, but looking at what he's doing now... Jesus, what a disaster that could have been.