when my perception of polk changed....


New member
Mar 3, 2008
It was several years ago and we were playing in a super regional at Dudy Noble. Polk, then at GA, was in attendance. Long before the game began we were grilling under the cedars behind right field. We were among the first to set up, and Polk wandered up. Just being nice, and about to offer him a burger, I remarked, "Welcome to Dudy Noble, coach". He then arrogantly replied, "POLK - Dement Stadium". Sometimes you have to toot your own horn, but that was neither the time nor the place. My initial thought, and that perception is validated with the most recent events, was "You, sir, are an ASOB". Hope that doesn't violate any rules, but that is exactly what he has played out to be.

Take his name off the stadium. I believe his actions have proven NO LIVING PERSON ought to be so honored. Wait until they are dead before doing something like this, and reposses his Buick tomorrow.


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
because we never hosted a super regional before we backed into one last year. But yeah, it's pretty widely known that he's an arrogant son of a *****.