WTF...From the Pasture


Jun 4, 2007
On the prem sheep board, a texasbully25 stats:
Rafael and I just want the word out that we are not happy with the way things unfolded with the baseball program. We believe that Coach Polk was not given proper respect, we remain loyal to him. As strongly as Coach Polk felt about removing his name from the stadium, we feel the same about removing our name from the Palmeiro Center.
Rosebowl confirms it is not a joke.
This is crazy, especially since I thought it looked like Raffys son was still going to end up at state.

If anything, Raffy should be happy we didn't pull his name down when the steroid truth came out.


Jun 4, 2007
On the prem sheep board, a texasbully25 stats:
Rafael and I just want the word out that we are not happy with the way things unfolded with the baseball program. We believe that Coach Polk was not given proper respect, we remain loyal to him. As strongly as Coach Polk felt about removing his name from the stadium, we feel the same about removing our name from the Palmeiro Center.
Rosebowl confirms it is not a joke.
This is crazy, especially since I thought it looked like Raffys son was still going to end up at state.

If anything, Raffy should be happy we didn't pull his name down when the steroid truth came out.


New member
Mar 28, 2008
and i'll confirm that its ********. the nerve of palmeiro if he were to say anything like this after all he's been through.... especially his first public comments since leaving baseball coming via a message board through someone else. yeah he helped msu a lot on his days on the field and by the donation but he was also the poster child for the steroid era. so who gives a +%%$ about his opinion about the situation. yeah its total ********.

this may be just a ploy by gene to get more subscriptions.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
It is pretty funny that the majority of the people on GP seem to disagree with him, that is if it is even him


New member
Jan 23, 2007
assholefirstbasedog and post over there how I support Cohen 100% and how they can put my name in the place of my former teamates name on the practice facility if they like.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Ya know, if Palmeiro took his name off of the IPF, I wouldn't necessarily consider that a bad thing considering his steroid/Congress episode. I hate to say that, because I like Raffy as a player, but it's sadly true.

Despite Rosebowl's confirmation, I still call BS, though.

If it was true, I would tell Palmeiro that we gave the mother<17> a car, put his name on the stadium, retired his number, and allowed him to name his successor, AND had a big pre-game celebration for him. What else does he want?

I'll tell you what I want- a National Championship.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2004
<font size="5"><redacted> Performance Enhancement Center</font>


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
I'm starting to get sick of the whole Polk crowd. Its not like the job went to a guy with no connection to Polk. Can you imagine if the job had gone to say the Louisville coach who had roots at Ole Miss. I assume all the alumni baseball players would have popped their cyanide pills simultaneously. Sorry, but if this is true, I smell Polk calling and egging this type stuff on from his former players. NO WAY do I want the Polkster anywhere near our program at this point.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
in the Mississippi State family that has as little right as they do in telling someone how something should be handled.

So now we have a crazy man and a liar saying that Byrne handled this improperly.



Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
why can't these damn people just let it go? polk has been silent, raffo has been is dead. let it go. polk's craziness may rear its ugly head again but at this point we don't need any other ******** weighing in on the situation. </p>


Active member
Dec 2, 2007
I just don't get the "Polk was not given respect" argument. The only person who really has the right to feel screwed over is Tommy since he could argue he was promised the job. Polk was allowed to give his opinion, his guy was interviewed and simply not chosen. That's not "disrespect" - it's just not getting his way.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
that when we brought Polk back, I was VERY much against it. I was upset about it, I'll be honest.

BUT in no way shape or form did I or anyone else do all of the ridiculous BS that the pro-Polk crowd has done. I still supported the team and the program- not as much as I would have had we hired Manieri like I had wanted, but I still went. I had to suffer from seven years of watching bad baseball and BS that is just flat out inexcusable- like running past people on a home run ball, leaving pitcher in too long, and ****** at bat after ****** at bat, and etc. I've had to watch us recruit pussies like Micheal Rutledge and Bunky Kateon because they "came to camp" and Stephen Head didn't, or when he did he was inexplicably misevaluated, even though he was Dandy Dozen, we didn't know he could pitch? Give me a break.

And another thing, about all this "respect" BS- we're talking about the same coach who slandered our AD. That is very respectful. And yes, if he was disrespected, and in this case he was only disrespected because ONE of his wishes wasn't met (boo hoo) then he should have remained quiet.

So, I'll say this to all the Polk supporters- and I know none of them are here, but feel free to copy and paste with my blessing from Sweet Baby Jesus- I've had to watch YOUR **** for seven <17> years, so now you can sit back and watch the guys that I want and SUCK IT UP. Of course, it will take at least two years to fix what your self-righteous, "classy" guys <17> up in the first place.</p>


Active member
May 28, 2007
and feeling jealous because at the first press conference John Cohen said that as a player he "wanted to be Will Clark."


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
I also find it a bit ironic that people are claiming to want to pull support now that we are trying to move in a direction for the better...yet when we were playing mediocre baseball over the last 7 years they were throwing money around. It just seems a bit counter intuitive to me. These dumb bastards are encouraging mediocrity. Welcome to the life of being an MSU fan who doesn't have a million dollars in the bank I guess.

I want to add too that the university shouldn't want a check from anyone when it comes with strings attached...unless those strings are good seats, "free" stuff that their checks have inadvertenly paid for, and generally kissing their asses. These people in no way should have any affect on the hiring process. What's next...Raffy and other cigar boys making decisions about practice? The line needed to be drawn in the sand and thankfully Byrne appears to have done so. I hope he keeps it up.</p>


Jun 4, 2007
Seems Mrs. Palmeiro would like to clarify herself now..

<div class="messagebody">
Yes, these posts have come from the Palmeiro family.
We LOVE MSU. We are just hurt for Coach Polk. Rafael has a tremendous loyalty to Coach Polk, that I think any of you Bulldog fans should understand.
We are extremely proud of The Palmeiro Center and our name will remain there. Our comment was meant to imply our dissapointment, along with Coach Polk on how the coaching matters were handled and with how we felt that Coach Polk should have been granted more respect towards his wishes.
And for those of you who question Coach Polks reccomendations:
Universtiy of Florida- world series: Pat McMahon 2005
Baylor University-world series: Steve Smith 2005
University of Georgia- world series: David Perno 2008
Texas A&M-world series: Mark Johnson 1999

This is not a question of John Cohens qualifications, just a statement of support for Ron Polk,

It was and is our hope that our son, Patrick, would follow in his dads footsteps and play at MSU.

And for all of you that have supported and had our family in your prayers,Thank you.

We LOVE MSU, and will continue to support the Bulldogs and we support and are behind John Cohen.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
say one thing...retract....back up a about loving MSU....bla...bla...

I am guessing by more respect she meant that Raffo should have gotten the job with no questioning at all of Polk. Other than that I don't see what else could have been done. Raffo was interviewed, his resume didn't size up with Cohen's and Cohen got the job.

This all reminds me of the USM saga with Bower at the end of football season. So many sheep down there went on and on about the way he was fired and that he was going to go somewhere else great and kick ***. He doesn't have job, wasn't considered or interviewed for many (or at least it wasn't publicized), and in general the decision at USM looks like it was tough to make but a good one nonetheless. If he was so damn great then he would have been quickly snatched up by a school. At this time I haven't read any reports of programs the caliber of MSU interviewing Raffo for jobs...and the reason is he doesn't have head coaching experience and he was on board at State during a very mediocre period. I believe these are the same exact reasons we didn't hire him.

Don't get me wrong, I hope Raffo lands a good job but at the same time I am more concerned about MSU baseball than the number of years someone has worked at our university.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
from Krzyzewski concerning his successor at Duke when he retires.
"I hope that I have some input into it," Krzyzewski said. "That's a decision a university makes, and a university should only make it. No one should be able to name their own successor. Maybe if you own your company or whatever ... but I should not have the right. It's not even the right. It's not a position I should be in, though I should give a lot of input."</p>
wouldn't it have been great if Polk had won as many championships as Krzyzewski AND had the humility to know his place in the grand scheme of things?

/ link to article:


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
and I can't believe I've defended both Bower and Templeton in the same week, I think he just wanted to take a year off from coaching and come back next year. He'll find a decent job, but certainly nothing any better than the one he had last year.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
maybe so but i talked to several bower supporters during that time who were delusional enough to think he was going to go from being fired at USM to being hired in the SEC....seriously.

you are right though..he will likely find a decent job but i believe it was time to let him go.

anyways...sorry for highjacking the thread.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
you live in a world of zero accountability. Polk answers to nobody. And how often do you think Mrs. Raffo has heard the word 'no?' I'm guessing almost never. Hell, Raffo himself felt so untouchable that he ascended to the halls of congress, took an oath that if you fail you can go to jail, and then proceeded to lie his hispanic *** off. I say (17) em all, and the horse they rode in on.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Dear Mrs. Viagra:

Two of those recommendations, Perno and McMahon were because your beloved Cholk QUIT on those schools! The short, runt bastard NAMED HIS REPLACEMENT ONCE at MSU. 17 his sorry ***, he doesn't get another shot.

F U.


Go 2 hell Rafael Palmeiroid