I realize that it's not done by strength, but my point is that we were on the borderline between a 2 and 3 seed, which would mean that if the seedings were done by strength, we would get sent to one of the top national seed regionals.
Point being, we got sent to the destination where we belong strength-wise. We got what we deserved. The only way you can complain is if we were a high 2 seed, close to a 1 seed and got sent to the No. 1 overall seed's bracket. In that case, we'd have a legit gripe about our placement.
I've had friends gripe to me about our placement, but I've told all of them that it's our own fault we're in this position. There is one way you can avoid traveling to a national seed regional, and that's by either being a national seed yourself or hosting yourself. If you earn it, you can guarantee you'll get a decent regional draw. We didn't earn it, so we have to take what we're given.