Ya'll were right on a couple of points.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
I have been reading here and Gene's for a long time. Truth is that I thought that the sixpackers were the whining crybabies. I'm not ready to concede that point. Tonight I have learned that I was wrong on a couple of other points though. The most obvious one first. I supported Polk until tonight, when, lo and behold, I discovered that ya'll were right about him all along. My first baseball at Dudy-Noble was in the mid-70s and I thought Coach Polk could do no wrong. It turns out he can do alot wrong. I aplogize for being slow.

The second area where I was wrong concerns Gene. I have thought that this board was overly harsh. Well, again I apologize. I simply posted over there that I thought that Polk had made Orgeron look classy by comparison and zap, I disappeared.

Oh well, You are never too old to learn.</p>


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
This place runs laps around genes page. You actually have realistic fans on here(for the most part) and not some dumb *** like gene banning everyone that might hurt someone else's feelings with their thoughts. not to mention news breaks on here as fast if not fatser than genes page.

And if you are interested in another premium site, checkout bulldawgjunction.com. It is also a shitton better than the lake


New member
Jun 2, 2008
yea this is officially my first post on sixpack and i have to say i agree that the most realistic fans are here i've been going back and forth all night with some douche bag on misssportstalk who is still supporting poll. polk is a <17>ing idot