Abram Smith

Baylor Bears
Personal Life
Abram Smith’s road from all-state running back to collegiate starting linebacker to potential all-Power Five conference running back was a long and winding one. He was one of the best running backs in Texas at Abilene (Texas) High. He earned all-state honors twice and finished with the school record in rushing yards and all-purpose touchdowns. Smith enrolled early at Baylor but then tore his ACL in spring practice. He played sparingly at running back the next two years, instead seeing the field on special teams. Midway through the 2019 season following an injury to Clay Johnson, Smith moved to linebacker to help the team. Smith had not played linebacker since his freshman year of high school on the JV team. He ended up starting four games in 2020, averaging 11.5 tackles per game. During spring 2021, Baylor coach Dave Aranda asked Smith if he’d like to move back to running back full time. Smith, who had been doing both, said yes. He is the son of Mark and Rosie Soliz. Smith earned his bachelor’s degree in health, kinesiology and leisure studies.
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