Brenen Thompson

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Brenen Thompson is not only one of the nation's fastest football players but also one of the fastest track athletes, with a personal best of 10.38 seconds in the 100-meters. Despite being hampered by a bone spur on his foot as a junior that was eventually removed during his senior football season, Thompson still claimed the state 200-meter championship and finished second in the 100 meters in 2021. Thompson missed some of his senior football season following the surgery but returned later in the year to help Spearman earn a state playoff berth. Thompson says he realized he wanted to go to Texas over a host of other suitors when he and his mom, Bonnie, were on the field together at Texas' Darrell K. Royal Memorial Stadium prior to the Texas-Rice game in 2021. "That feeling just came over me," Thompson said. Off the field, Thompson is a member of the National Honor Society and a community mentor for the Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization.
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Both Rondale Moore and Brenen Thompson were among, if not the fastest prospect in their respective classes. Both are at their best working with the ball in their hands in the quick passing game. Thompson is a good bit taller than the 5-foot-7 Moore.