Caleb Herring

Tennessee Volunteers
Personal Life
Caleb Herring became one of the most dominating football players in Tennessee high school football early on in his career. But over time, he really refined his game and it helped him rack up 24 tackles for a loss and seven sacks in 2021. “He grew so fast, it took him a while to figure out how to use his body,” Riverdale coach Will Kriesky told Volquest.com. “And he’s really just now learned how to use his body, so he’s able to be more dominant. You can do a lot of things with him. He can come off the edge, or he can play in a little bit of space if he needs to. His range is so long and he’s developed into a special player.” A special player that will follow his brother Elijah Herring to Rocky Top. Herring plans on majoring in agriculture in college. His parents are Tiffany Denise Herring and Nicholas Herring. He has another sibling, Noah Herring.
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Caleb Herring is a tall, rangy and athletic EDGE prospect who looks reminds us a bit of Randy Gregory when he was at Arizona Western College in the 2013 cycle. Like Gregory, Herring has considerable room to fill out once he gets in a college strength program. Both showed off their athleticism as pass rushers and in making plays in pursuit.