Corian Gipson

Clemson Tigers
Personal Life
Leon Paul has been around some talented players during his time as a coach at both Duncanville and Lancaster. But he says Corian Gipson ranks at the top of the list of players that he’s ever worked with. “He’s one of the best, if not the best that I’ve ever coached or been around,” Paul told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. “I’ve coached some good ones. At Duncanville, we had Stacy Brown (Missouri), Chris Thompson (USC), Ennis Rakestraw (Missouri) to name a few, and he’s at the top of the list because he’s so dynamic.” Gipson is also one of the top sprinters in the Metroplex and is part of a 4x100-meter relay team that clocked a 41.74-second time in the spring of 2022. He also has a personal-best 100 time of 10.73 seconds and runs the 4x200 and 4X400 for Lancaster.
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