Marcos Davila

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Nebraska Cornhuskers
Personal Life
Marcos Davila knew early on that playing quarterback was in his future. “I have been blessed by God,” Davila told the Midland Reporter-Telegram. “Ever since I was young, we knew that I could throw it really far. I think in the fifth grade I could throw it 50 yards. I just have been blessed by God and He gave me a natural talent.” As a sophomore, Davila led Legacy with 2,7018 yards passing, 27 touchdown passes, and he completed 66% of his passes. Davila only got better as a junior. He threw for 3,052 yards and 36 scores in 2022, and those numbers – along with the God-given talent in his arm strength – helped him become one of the top high school quarterback recruits in the country. “He is as talented as anybody I have ever coached,” Legacy coach Clint Hartman said. “My challenge to him is, ‘Do you want to be the No. 1 rated quarterback in the nation?’ That’s my goal for him. He’s an outstanding young man. I can’t say enough about his parents. They’ve allowed us to coach. They have raised a really good, young man. He’s extremely quiet. He takes care of his grades, he takes care of his stuff. He’s a great one.”
Davila News
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