Sonny Styles

Ohio State Buckeyes
As a Recruit
Personal Life
Sonny Styles’ real name is Alex Styles. His father, Lorenzo Styles, gave Alex the nickname “Sonny” after the character Santino “Sonny” Corleone from the “Godfather” movies because of his fiery temperament when he was around 3 years old. It is a nickname that has stuck with him ever since. Lorenzo Styles was a linebacker at Ohio State from 1991-94. He spent six seasons in the NFL and has been a defensive assistant coach with Pickerington Central since 2012. His father won Super Bowl XXXIV with the St. Louis Rams. Style’s brother, Lorenzo Styles Jr., was a national-level recruit and is now a receiver at Notre Dame. Styles has another sibling, Tonia. Styles says he is very invested in his relationship with God.
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Like Anthony Barr, Sonny Styles is a unique jumbo athlete who ultimately projects as a versatile front seven defender. Barr was a 6-foot-4, 230-pound prolific high school running back with track speed. Styles is a 6-foot-4, 220-pound high school safety with strong combine results in addition to being an above-the-rim basketball player. Barr spent his first two years at UCLA as an offensive player before making the switch to defense. He was one of college football’s best defenders in his final two years as a Bruin, totaling 23.5 sacks and 41.5 tackles for loss before becoming a top ten pick. In addition to the physical and athletic resemblance, we see Styles having similar versatility with the ability to line up as a jumbo off-ball linebacker and pass rusher similar to Barr.