Toriano Pride

Missouri Tigers
As a Recruit
Personal Life
Toriano Pride is a horror movie aficionado. “I’ve watched so many horror movies, I’ve always been into that,” Pride told the St. Louis Post Dispatch. “Anything horror, anything that’s creepy, scary, jump scares, all that, everything.” Pride said “The Conjuring,” “The Purge,” “The Nun,” “The Ring,” “The Grudge,” and the “The Blair Witch Project” are his favorite horror movies. As a freshman, Pride started in the defensive secondary and made 43 tackles for Vianney, who won the Missouri Class 5 state championship. He transferred to Lutheran North for his sophomore season and made 30 tackles as the Crusaders won the 2019 Class 2 state championship. Pride played in only six games in a COVID-19 shortened season in 2020 at Lutheran North. Pride transferred to East St. Louis for his senior season of high school football. He plans on majoring in engineering in college. Both his parents – Toriano Pride Sr. and Shasheen Pride – went to school at Jackson State University.
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Like Janoris Jenkins, Toriano Pride is a shorter, but technically skilled cornerback with plus instincts and the ability to mirror receivers in man coverage.