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Report: Brian Flores lawsuit drawing additional coaches to join

by:Austin Brezina02/01/22


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Photo by Joshua Bessex/Getty Images

According to an additional report on Tuesday, Brian Flores’ class-action lawsuit against the NFL is drawing additional coaches to join the suit. The bombshell lawsuit is opening the door for additional coaches who have their own proof of racial hiring practices to join with their stories.

Brian Flores inspiring additional coaches to join

“This Brian Flores lawsuit against the NFL is going to resonate throughout sports and be a significant moment in the history of the league,” explained Yahoo Sports’ Charles Robinson. “I’ve spoken to two other coaches who believe they have the receipts to be a part of the class. This could be a tsunami before it’s all over.”

As Black History Month begins, Flores’ case against the NFL’s racial hiring practices has sent the league on its heels. As Robinson explains, they may soon be facing more than the specific charges levied by Flores and his lawyers.

While the NFL, the New York Giants and Denver Broncos have released statements claiming the allegations to be false, it appears there may be more statements they will soon need to refute. Flores’ lawsuit has partially become a major issue due to the specific grievances filed.

With “proof” to back up his claims, Flores appears initially to have what he needs to mount the bombshell suit. With additional coaches providing their own “receipts” — or proof — of the Rooney Rule failing, his case stands to grow.

Flores makes statement on lawsuit

“God has gifted me with a special talent to coach the game of football, but the need for change is bigger than my personal goals,” said Flores in his official statement. “In making the decision to file the class action complaint, I understand that I may be risking coaching the game I love.”

In his official statement, Flores appears to acknowledge that this lawsuit may cost him the opportunity to coach in the NFL again. Flores has been on NFL staffs since 2003, where he joined the New England Patriots as a scouting assistant. He was promoted to Bill Belichick’s coaching staff in 2008, and would continue to rise through his staff until their most recent Super Bowl win in 2019.

Flores was then named head coach of the Miami Dolphins, a position he held for three years until being fired at the end of the 2021 season. Flores’ allegation against the Giants indicates that despite his availability and record, the Giants were not seriously considering him. His lawsuit includes text messages from Belichick himself, where the Patriots’ coach congratulated him on being named the new Giants coach.

After Flores informed Belichick that he hadn’t yet interviewed for the position, Belichick clarified he had been mistaken. The Brian that was set to be hired was Brian Deboll, not Flores, according to Belichick. The Giants later would hire Deboll, appearing to confirm that their decision was made prior to Flores’ interview.