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Aaron Rodgers makes first public comments on offseason plan: 'It's best for a decision earlier' than later

Stephen Samraby:Steve Samra03/01/23


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Photo by Megan Briggs/Getty Images

Aaron Rodgers is back from his darkness retreat and pondering his future with the Green Bay Packers.

In his first public comments on the situation, Rodgers joined Aubrey Marcus’ podcast to discuss, where he stated he’s looking to make a decision ‘earlier than later’ on his future.

“It’s best for anybody who has an interest in this to make a decision sooner rather than later,” Rodgers told Marcus, via Ty Dunne. “I remember before Favre retired, there were times in April and May, we weren’t sure if he was going to come back because he didn’t come to any of the offseason program. Then in 2008, he actually did retire in March and then said, ‘No, no, no,’ in June after OTAs, ‘I actually want to come back and play. That’s when he was traded to the Jets. There was obviously a lot of tension that summer. For everybody involved directly and indirectly, it’s best for a decision earlier.

“I feel really good about the conversations that are going to be had, that have been had with important people in my life. Yourself included. But I’m not looking for somebody to tell me what the answer is. All the answers are right inside me. I touched many of the feeling on both sides in the darkness. I’m thankful for that time. There’s a finality to the decision. I don’t make it lightly. I don’t want to drag anybody around. I’m answering questions about it because I got asked about it. I’m talking about it because it’s important to me. If you don’t like it and you think it’s drama, and you think I’m being a diva or whatever, then just tune it out. That’s fine. But this is my life. It’s important to me. I’lI make a decision soon enough and we’ll go down that road. I’ll be really excited about it.”

It’s been evident throughout the whole process, but Aaron Rodgers isn’t taking the decision regarding his next step in football, and in life, lightly. Time will tell what the Packers legend decides, but it’s evident we’re heading towards a resolution.

Report: Green Bay Packers ready to move on from Aaron Rodgers

The Green Bay Packers are ready to move on from Aaron Rodgers, according to one veteran NFL reporter. Bob McGinn, formerly a Packers beat writer and now a contributor to Go Long, explained his reasoning on a recent podcast episode.

“They’re disgusted with him and they’re done with him and they’re moving on,” McGinn said. “This is going to involve money and a trade partner and all kinds of things. But I’m totally convinced he is not going to be their starting quarterback this year. On the other hand, they love Jordan Love. They think he’s the second coming now. They’ve seen enough in practice for three years, that they believe he is like Rodgers 2.0. That’s where this organization is coming from right now.

“They have turned the page, just like they did to [Brett] Favre in June and July, those months in the summer of 2008 and I don’t see it changing.”

He continued in his explanation, noting that even if the Packers can’t find a trade partner and ship Rodgers out, he thinks he will be the backup. And an expensive one, at that, costing $59 million.

On3’s Nick Kosko contributed to this article.