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Carl Edwards sets record straight on ridiculous rumors that swirled after retirement

JHby:Jonathan Howard03/17/25


Carl Edwards
David Yeazell-USA TODAY Sports

When Carl Edwards left NASCAR ahead of the 2017 season, fans were perplexed. Then the rumors began online about what he was up to. So, what is true and what isn’t about Cousin Carl?

There were rumors galore out there about Carl Edwards. No one knew exactly why he retired, didn’t know what he was going to do after, and you could more or less make up anything about him. Someone was going to believe it.

Thankfully, Edwards was on the Dale Jr. Download last week. He was asked by Earnhardt about some of those rumors.

“Man, I don’t know. I guess I’d have to know how people really see it before I could address it,” Edwards said when asked. Then Earnhardt got specific.

Does Carl Edwards have a bunker? Well, no.

“No, I don’t have a bunker.”

But does he do prepper stuff? Does he have a huge stash of resources ready for the end times? Well, sort of…

“I don’t think an inordinate amount,” Edwards continued. “I mean, I do have groceries in my cupboard. … And by the way, if I were, I would never tell anybody. That’s the number one rule.”

Among his provisions, there is one thing. He has one of those five-gallon buckets of dehydrated food. You know, just in case.

“I do have one of those. One of those,” Edwards said. “It’s not going to get me far.”

Maybe, now that Carl Edwards is around more often, those rumors will end. We know exactly what the retired driver is going to be doing later this year.

Carl Edwards coming to the NASCAR booth

When the NASCAR season goes into the summer swing, both Prime Video and TNT Sports will each have five races on their airwaves. Of course, the Prime Video races are the first time the sport has been exclusively on a streaming platform.

Dale Jr., Corey LaJoie, Steve Letarte, Danielle Trotta, and more are involved in the production side of things, bringing pre and post-race coverage to fans. However, the addition of Carl Edwards to the team may be the biggest announcement Amazon has made.

Edwards belongs in the booth. He should be talking about the sport with fans at the track and at home. Edwards is knowledgeable and informative. He is going to be fantastic on Prime Video this summer.

The NASCAR media landscape is changing. Carl Edwards is no longer driving, but he’s getting involved in the sport yet again. For longtime fans, this is going to be a treat.