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Massive brawl breaks out in crowd at UFC 289

DSprofileby:Dustin Schutte06/12/23


ufc 289
(Photo by Jeff Bottari/Zuffa LLC)

The biggest fight at UFC 289 might have actually occurred outside the Octagon. A massive brawl unfolded in the crowd during the event Saturday night.

It’s unclear what started the melee among fans, or whether anyone involved needed medical attention. UFC president Dana White did say that some minor injuries were sustained, but details regarding the situation were minimal.

While the fight in the seats stole a lot of attention, one fan gained popularity for his lack of interest in getting involved — and saving his adult beverages in the process. One man can be seen grabbing his drinks and moving the hell out of the way while other unruly fans scrapped with each other.

That fan might’ve been the smartest in the crowd on Saturday night.

UFC 289 took place in Vancouver, Canada over the weekend. It drew a really strong crowd, with 17,628 fans showing up for the massive event. It was the first time the city hosted a fight in nearly four years.

“Vancouver is always going to be a destination,” White said, per Daily Hive.

Mayweather-Gotti fight ends in chaos

Apparently, any sort of fighting event that took place over the weekend was required to have some sort of chaos. UFC 289 wasn’t the only event that saw wild things happen.

Sunday night’s exhibition fight between Floyd Mayweather and John Gotti III ended with some fireworks. An all-out brawl broke out in the middle of the ring shortly after the fight was called.

During the sixth round of the exhibition fight, trash-talking got so bad that the official decided to end the event. That didn’t stop Gotti, though. Even after the fight was called, he continued to throw punches at Mayweather.

Obviously, that didn’t sit well with Mayweather or his team.

Members of both corners hopped into the ring, where more punches were thrown among team members. It was an ugly scene in Florida — one that was entirely avoidable.

Even after both Mayweather and Gotti were escorted out of the ring, members from both teams continued to fight.

Mayweather stepped away from professional boxing in 2017 but continues to fight in exhibition matches. Because it wasn’t an official fight, there were no judges to score it and no official winner was announced.

The fight was scheduled for eight, two-minute rounds. It would’ve likely gone the distance had the two sides had the ability to stop chirping at each other during the event.