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Alabama players preview Sweet 16 matchup with North Carolina

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Nate Oats, Alabama Basketball players preview Sweet 16 vs. North Carolina

LOS ANGELES – Alabama basketball players Nick Pringle, Mark Sears and Jarin Stevenson spoke to reporters on Wednesday afternoon before the Crimson Tide’s Sweet 16 matchup with North Carolina in the NCAA Tournament. Below is everything that the trio said.

*** Editor’s Note: Quotes are courtesy of ASAP Sport.

Q. Nick, just one of the best bigs you’re going to be going up against. Do you feel like you’re ready to rise to the challenge tomorrow on a national stage?

NICK PRINGLE: Yes, most definitely. I feel like our coaching staff, they put a lot of work and time into getting us prepared for moments like this. We played a lot of games to prepare us for this moment.

Six of these teams we lost to previously in the season, so I feel like getting back to that and watching film, having more intent and getting better, mentally tougher, that will eventually help us with our end goal.

Q. Mark and Nick, you guys were both around last season for the quadruple-overtime game against North Carolina. What do both of you guys remember about kind of going through that game and the energy needed and everything like that? What do you remember about last year’s game?

MARK SEARS: That game right there was a war, man. Four overtimes. After the first two overtimes it was like, man, when is this thing going to end?

It was definitely a fun matchup, you know, especially for most of the same players being on the team we’re going to go against. So we’re looking forward to that matchup, and it’s going to be a really fun game.

NICK PRINGLE: I would probably say that was definitely one of the longest games that I’ve been a part of. I didn’t necessarily play that much that game, but I had a role where I had to bring energy and talk up players and make sure everybody was locked in for the right moment.

Q. Mark, when you guys are on the national stage, thousands of people are watching you. They’re also watching and learning about your family. There was a thing with your mom. She shoots the free throw with you. What’s it been like for your family, that experience, and her being on the national stage as well?

MARK SEARS: They’re just soaking it all in. My mama, she’s very energetic. She has a lot of passion for the game. It’s just a blessing for her to be able to see the outcome of her being so supportive of me throughout the years.

Q. If Latrell is not able to play tomorrow, just how much does that affect the starting lineup and what you guys do?

NICK PRINGLE: I honestly think Latrell will be fine. I think we’ll still have a great game plan, if he plays or not. I think he will definitely play. But I think we’ll still have a great game plan. We have a lot of great players and a lot of great coaches that can make adjustments and be able to make it happen.

Q. Jarin, I know for you being a North Carolina guy and things like that, I know you considered UNC a little bit. How much did you, I guess, kind of watch North Carolina growing up? And then obviously having the opportunity to play against them tomorrow, just kind of your initial thoughts and feelings about that.

JARIN STEVENSON: I watched quite a bit of North Carolina basketball. I was 10 minutes away from their campus. So I watched quite a bit. I know a lot of their coaches, a lot of their players. Yeah, it’s definitely surreal, just a full-circle moment for sure playing North Carolina.

Q. Alabama’s never been to more than the Elite Eight. How many times have you guys heard that? And how much do you want to change that and get to the Final Four?

NICK PRINGLE: That’s something Coach Oats, he expresses to us a lot. He always preaches the importance of these games. Every moment matters. Every possession matters. The best thing we can do here is lock in, have intent, better our communication, just be the best we can possibly be as players.

And the coaches, they do so much for us to help us prepare for moments like this, like I said. I think the outcome of it will just say the rest of it.

Q. Mark, you’ve taken a huge offensive leap from last year to this year. What do you think has really contributed to that? And how have you kind of taken on a lead role as a scorer and (indiscernible)?

MARK SEARS: I would say really having that motivation from last year when we were the No. 1 seed and we got upset by San Diego State. And just having that feeling of, man, it was basically disappointing because we were the No. 1 seed and wanted to win the whole thing.

Just having that motivation through the whole off-season, just constantly putting in the work and hours. No matter when I’m tired, just continuing to fight through it and be mentally tough. I just had that mindset throughout the whole off-season.

I couldn’t have done it without my teammates right here. They’re really great teammates. I wouldn’t be myself without these guys.

Q. Mark, looking at RJ Davis and obviously the season he’s having this year, when you look at him on film, what do you kind of identify as some of the things that make him either difficult to guard, or what kind of allows him, from your vantage point, to be successful on the court?

MARK SEARS: He’s a great player. He’s a really great shot maker, tough shot maker. That’s something that he’s really great at.

Q. For all three student-athletes, what do you think are the keys for tomorrow’s game for victory?

MARK SEARS: I’m going to say one would be defensive rebounding.

JARIN STEVENSON: I think just getting out and getting back to our offense. I feel like we struggled offensively these last few games. Just getting back to that, getting out at a fast pace. I feel like that’s the big key for sure.

NICK PRINGLE: Something I would definitely say, picking up where we left off last game defensively. It’s something we kind of struggled with throughout the year. I feel like last game we showed our true potential of what we really could be.

Just having intent about everything, watching film, and just trying to find ways to continue to grow as a team and allow our defense to lead to our offense. Just play for each other.

We’ve all got a lot in common. We want the same things. It’s just a matter of how much do we want it and what we’re going to do to get it.

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