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Auburn LB Eugene Asante not happy with last season: 'I didn't want to go out like that, truthfully'

Cole Pinkstonby:Cole Pinkston03/04/24


AUBURN – Auburn linebacker Eugene Asante broke out in 2023 after not playing a snap in 2022. Asante transferred from North Carolina after having a rotational role for the Tar Heels. He is now considered one of Auburn’s top players on the roster heading into 2024 and has upped his game in several areas.

Asante told the media that he genuinely considered going to the NFL early. After thinking hard on it, he decided coming back was the right option and had a good reason for it.

“It certainly was a thing I was going back and forth on a lot,” Asante said. “I was thinking about it, talking to my family about it. Ultimately, I came to the decision that it was best to come back to Auburn. How everything transpired, we wanted to go out on the right note.”

“Certainly after that Bama game, I felt within myself that we had to go turn this thing around. I want to be a part of that. Coach Freeze did a great job of informing me that he wanted me to come back. He feels that we can take the next step next year. I was going back and forth, it was a daily thing. Some days I felt one way and others I felt another way. Coming back is something I don’t regret at all. I am super excited to work with this staff this season.”

After the bowl loss to Maryland, Asante felt a stronger need to return to Auburn and right the ship. Quite frankly, it didn’t sit well with him.

“Kind of right after,” Asante said. “The way that everything transpired–how we wanted to go out and how we wanted to perform–it left a certain taste in my mouth that wasn’t suitable and I didn’t want to go out like that, truthfully.”

Asante impressed with new guys so far

Asante has worked with the new guys in the two spring practices so far. He wants to set a new standard in his last year.

“I just want to be somebody that lays the foundation for young guys that come along and they say, ‘Eugene tried to do it the right way.’ I try to show them that every day with how I work and prepare. Just allow Auburn to progress the right way.”

Asante shared what he has seen with each of the three freshmen linebackers so far.

“I always love talking about the new guys that come in because they’re extremely talented,” Asante said. “I like singling each one of them out and letting them know how I really feel about them. Demarcus Riddick is super athletic. He thinks he’s the fastest linebacker in the room. He’s so athletic, he is working on continuing to improve and develop his mind in order to be able to play up to the speed of college football. Deebo, DJ Barber, he is a great linebacker, too. His lateral movement is great. You can tell he is a thumper, can come down hill and create contact. He loves football. Joe Phillips was with us, he has transitioned more to Buck now. All of those guys are talented guys.”

So far, he senses urgency and an attacking nature from his new linebackers coach, DJ Durkin. That, of course, was part of the old regime, but the dynamic is different with Durkin also being the defensive coordinator as well as Asante’s position coach.

“I learned so much about Coach Durkin just the couple of days I have been around him,” Asante said. “(Durkin) has an attacking style defense, he wants to get down hill and wreak havoc. He doesn’t want his linebackers to be passive in anything they do. He wants us taking the fight to the other team.”

Some of the points of emphasis so far have been on getting to the quarterback on blitz situations and being able to hold their own in coverage situations.

“I think there are some similarities,” Asante said, “I think there are going to be situations where you rush the quarterback, you’re going to be in situations where you will be singled up with a tight end or slot guy. You have to be comfortable with your coverage skills. You will have to move laterally and be violent with hand placement shedding off of blocks.”

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