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Bryan Harsin, staff go 'above and beyond' to promote health and safety to the Auburn program

Justin Hokansonby:Justin Hokanson08/25/21


Bryan Harsin (Courtesy of Auburn Athletics)

AUBURN | Bryan Harsin met with the media for the first time since the Tigers’ first scrimmage of the fall in early August.

Auburn’s head coach tested positive for COVID last Thursday and has since been in isolation at his home.

On Wednesday, Bryan Harsin spent nearly 16 minutes on his opening statement, mostly talking about the proactive steps the Auburn football program has taken to educate and inform everyone involved of COVID, the vaccines available, any potential risks, and anything else the individual would want to know.

In summary, Bryan Harsin made it very clear, as Auburn Live has reported, that the football program has made ample efforts to create an encouraging and education-centered environment when it comes to COVID and the vaccines.

“I am not anti-vaccine,” Harsin stated. “Any narrative along those lines is misinformed. I fully support the choice for anyone to vaccinate. I also support getting reliable data into the hands of those who have questions about the vaccine.

“Anyone that’s been inside our facility knows that. Simple.”

Auburn continues to inch towards the 85 percent vaccination rate that would eliminate mandatory team testing. Bryan Harsin believes the team can hit that number.

“I’m optimistic we will approach that,” he said. “The measures we’ve taken to educate and encourage — that’s been part of it and that will continue.”

Harsin declined to go into detail on any additional coaches or players that have tested positive, outside of defensive coordinator Derek Mason, who publicly released a statement earlier this week.

Since this is an important topic, I think it’s important to give you what Bryan Harsin said in a comprehensive fashion. Here are his words without an agenda:

Coach Bryan Harsin talks to his team to start the second practice with the younger guys Friday. Auburn football practice 2 on Friday, Aug. 6, 2021 in Auburn, Ala. Todd Van Emst/AU Athletics

Bryan Harsin goes into detail

“I’m at home, isolating and feeling good. I hope it continues to be that way. I’m fortunate. This impacts every one differently. Our coaches, players, they’ve done a great job. We’ve been able to operate like we normally would. We have plans in place for this. The teams that are able to navigate this — will be most successful and navigating through the pandemic.

“We’re following our mitigation protocols. The test I took on Thursday was part of what we’ve been regularly doing. We proceeded with the standard protocols. As of right now, I should return to the facility on Monday, in time for game week. No other coaches or players were quarantined due to my test result. I’m proud of that. With our staff, that needs to continue.

“Our vaccination numbers continue to improve. There’s still a lot of work to be done. It’s a daily focus and priority in our program.

“For months now, our staff has done a great job going above and beyond, and being proactive in providing reliable information about the vaccine. I have provided an open platform for experts to provide information about the vaccine.”

  • Dr. Michael Goodlett has presented to the team on vaccinations multiple times
  • Dr. Scott Harris, Alabama state health officer, has presented to the team
  • Head athletic trainer Robbie Stewart has presented to the team on multiple occasions
  • Athletic Director Allen Greene has had multiple audiences with the team
  • President Jay Gogue talked to the team about his experience taking the vaccine

“Unfortunately, there’s breakthrough cases at times. That’s something, right now, part of what we have to navigate this season.

“Articles, NFL players talking about the benefits of the vaccine, videos from the SEC medical guidance task force, talking about the timeline and science behind the vaccine. Our players and staff have heard from that.

“We’ve listened to our players and responded with data-driven answers. Every day there’s a different view and there’s a lot of information every single day.

“I’m proud of what we’ve done. I’ve shared my position with our parents and expressed some of things I’ve told you with our players. I treat the players as if they were my own. We have tough players and this is a tough game, but at the same time, I want them to know my position carries weight and I care deeply that everyone in this program is safe. That we’re doing what we can to make sure that’s focused on every single day.

“I care deeply that the players have the information to make informed decisions that effect them. We support them. I care that we play in every single game. Those are things that I have shared with our families. I’m here for their sons.

“I’m aware of the Pfizer vaccine (in terms of the FDA approval). We take this matter very seriously. We’re committed to being safe in our building. The most important thing is the safety of our players.

“We can’t issue mandates to our players. I understand that to be Alabama law. We cant mandate vaccinations to our players. Other states and universities can. We can’t do that. That’s not a football coach’s decision. I’m aware of that. That’s important that we understand that. I have a deep appreciation of people in our community.

“I share this to let everyone know we’ve been proactive in our approach and our information when it comes to vaccinations, and making sure that’s very clear.”

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