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'The Georgia Show': DawgsHQ rebrands, adds Jake Rowe to staff

On3 imageby:Wes Blankenship09/01/22
On3 image

DawgsHQ rebranded and renamed its existing podcast and YouTube presence as ‘The Georgia Show.’ To everyone that already followed along with the previous show, ‘Dawg Walk Talk,’ we thank you.

But now, a new breed of Bulldog content stands ready to take the field of battle.

With Georgia vs Oregon only two days away, and Jake Rowe‘s addition to the staff, it felt right to give our live and long-form video content a new title and direction.

Team beat reporter Palmer Thombs and recruiting insider Jake Reuse will still contribute frequently to the show’s content.

I will co-host, alongside Rowe.

There are many Georgia podcasts out there already. Many of which have clever titles with nods to Georgia football traditions and lore

I am nothing if not an appreciator of clever word play. I tip my cap to all of the other shows out there who do so.

But since we’re reinventing in a space that already has so much to offer in the way of three-word Georgia Bulldogs-related titles, we thought it might be best to keep it simple.

Obviously, if you’re reading this, you are of above-average intelligence. But one major upside about ‘The Georgia Show’ as a title is that it’s easy to remember.

It’s also a tongue-in-cheek reference to the fact that we are not the first show in this landscape to talk about Georgia football.

We do, however, plan to differentiate ourselves.

This show is going to have game breakdowns, press conference quotes, guests and all the above.

But we aren’t going to take ourselves too seriously. This sport is supposed to be fun, after all.

And above all else, we’re going to produce it with every single Georgia fan and Damn Good Dawg in mind first.

That means live components after each game on Saturday, each Sunday night to recap again and look ahead, and one week night to cover what else happened since the weekend.

And ‘The Georgia Show’ will own that passion for the Dawgs – with help from your voices and your support – in a way that no other site in the market currently does.

Give our first show a listen and/or a view to get a sense of our programming

Rowe recapped his time off and spoke about his decision to join On3.

Palmer spoke with On3’s Oregon fan site, Scoop Duck.

And we all share our predictions for the game. All for free.

But these free shows will only scratch the surface of the premium depth that Jake Rowe will bring in his new role with DawgsHQ.

Palmer, Reuse and I are already delivering that depth and breadth as well.

If you haven’t already signed up for our special to celebrate the occasion, I invite you to partake.

It’s an entire year of material for $1. Inflation-proof.

We aim to inform and entertain. With a new season for the defending National Champions ahead, and the fresh addition of top talent on our team, we won’t have a shortage in either department.

The Georgia Show (Apple / Spotify) is only getting better from here.

Stay tuned…

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