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Kirk Ferentz on Iowa Football Signing Day

On3 imageby:Tom Kakert12/04/24


Kirk Ferentz (23)
Kirk Ferentz talks Iowa football signing day.

KIRK FERENTZ: I’ll say a couple of words about the game Friday, some things in general and offer a couple of thoughts on the recruiting class. General Manager Tyler Barnes will fill you in on all the details. He certainly runs the race from start to finish and has a lot of depth and perspective on all this stuff. I’ll turn it over to Tyler here in a few minutes.

It was good to have a weekend off for everybody. I think everybody was tired after the game on Friday. Really tough, competitive football game and pretty extreme circumstances. Nice for everybody to have time to get back and just kind of relax a little bit. Some guys went home. Other guys just stayed here, but gave them some time.

We’ll take this week to recover a little bit. Light workout this morning. We’ll probably go on the field for a little bit on Friday, but not much football this week and try to give everybody a chance to get caught up on things, catch their breath, and recharge a little bit. I think that’s important.

As I said Friday after the game, it was just a tough, competitive, hard-fought game. Both teams competed at a high level. Again, I think the biggest take-away is the little things a lot of times are really important and sometimes defy the statistics at the end of the game. I thought our guys did a lot of things well.

I’ll start with ball security. It’s still the most important statistic in football. We’ve done a good job of that all season long. Certainly the other night that was a factor.

Got to give Jackson credit there. His game stats weren’t overwhelming, but protecting the football, made good decisions, good judgment out there.

Special teams jumped out. The punt before the last turnover, huge punt by Rhys, and again, tough circumstances.

I’ll point out the plus-50 punt that Nestor killed just inside the goal line. That was a play that we blew on Tuesday in practice and had to repeat it right at the end of practice. Circled back and got it and got it right. Certainly it showed up on the game.

Little things like that that don’t go maybe noticed by some people. Obviously, Kaleb’s effort on that touchdown was phenomenal, but probably something nobody noticed, Nick DeJong did a great job on that. He was playing the right tackle, next man in. His guy didn’t rush like we expected him to or hoped he would, so Nick stayed engaged in the block, and that along with the perimeter blockers allowed that thing to get going, and Kaleb did the rest on his own.

So you can’t help but notice Kaleb’s great effort, but the little things that assisted the start of that play really made a big difference.

I other thing I would mentioned too is just the job our specialists did in the weather conditions, whether it be the snappers, the holders, the punters obviously, the return guys. It’s a little tricky in those kind of circumstances, that kind of condition. Our guys really played flawless there.

So all those little things to me were really a matter of the deciding things for us and just really proud of our guys the way they fought through it.

Really happy about the way we’ve been playing in November and talk to our guys every year about that. November is a month where people are sore, you’re tired. Got a lot of guys injured. Next-man-in stories. Weather is going to be unpredictable. Two weeks ago we had beautiful weather and a game that went by script, and the other night we had tough weather and a game that didn’t go by script. So just kind of emblematic of the way it is in November.

To me the teams that can focus through those things tend to do a little bit better. Proud of the guys the way they played this past November and really have got a nice streak going since 19 right now. We’re going to try to keep building on that.

If you are going to win in football, you have to be able to do that. So happy about that.

The guys have played hard. They’ve played competitively, and the good thing is we still have one more opportunity to play again. Really excited about that as well.

It’s a real important time right now for everybody just to step back a little bit and let things settle. A lot going on, and I addressed this a couple of Sundays ago come off the last bye week we had.

As we look forward, our guys are living in a world that’s very different than ten years ago. Players have always been thinking about the NFL, whether it’s seniors, it’s right around the corner for them, NFL opportunities. With that comes agents, and then certainly nowadays you have underclassmen thinking about it more readily than maybe ten years ago. That’s one more thing.

Then clearly things have changed now with the portal, NIL, revenue-sharing, roster reduction. There’s a million things going on, and a lot of people giving advice on all those topics too. My encouragement a couple of Sundays ago is let’s put all that on the shelf, and that’s what you have early December for.

Right now our guys are taking time and working through some things. I know some guys have already made announcements about what they’re going to do, and that’s what this time period is for.

There’s not a lot to say right now until things settle, but hopefully we get back going and get going in earnest when we know where our bowl trip is going to be on Sunday, and then we’ll start shifting our focus a little bit. Hopefully we’ll be settled by then.

My point is there’s a lot going on out there, and I applaud our guys for putting it aside for those last two weeks and just focusing on finishing strong. So happy about that.

The reality of it is, and it just kind of leaps or transitions into this recruiting class, we’re looking for guys that are going to fit well in our environment, embrace the things that we think are important, and we only recruit guys that understand hard work is necessary to be good at anything.

I talk to our guys all the time about if you are going to get something that’s worth it, you got to earn it. That’s a degree. Nobody is going to hand you anything in the classroom. Certainly out there on the field nobody hands you anything. That was evident Friday night. If you want to playing time, awards, all those kinds of things, you have to go out and earn it.

We’re trying to find guys that we think can embrace that, understand that and embrace that. Our job is to help them understand that better as they get here, but it all starts with that. Obviously there’s a talent level that’s requisite. We’re not a big height, weight, speed team, but we’re looking for guys that have the ability to play possession, play their positions well and do things at their position, add to the football team.

Obviously character I think is a huge part of the component too because it’s a tough race to run to be one of those seniors. 24 seniors got announced Friday night. That’s a long, hard race, and it takes character to do that. So that’s a big part of it too.

If you look at two of the guys that are noteworthy guys on our on football team, when you talk about Jay Higgins, we’ve talked a lot about him, his story. Waited behind a really good player in Jack Campbell. When he got his opportunity, he took it and ran and did an unbelievable job.

You think about Kaleb. Even going back to August I wasn’t sure who our best running back was of the three. I think it’s pretty evident right now, but it’s evident because he made that happen. Not us. He made that choice. Really got focused year three. The maturity, the experience, all those things came to his benefit. He did a wonderful job.

So those are the kind of stories that are fun. That’s what we enjoy in coaching I think and being around players like those two and all the other guys we get to work with. So it’s that’s the best part about it.

That transitions into this class. We have 17 guys coming joining us today. Really excited about that. 15 full scholarship guys and two guys that are preferred walk-ons. We think very highly of all 17 guys. I think they embody the things I just talked about.

Tyler will detail these guys a little bit, but just big thing for us is we’re eager to get them here on campus. It’s been fun to get to know them, get to know their families, and have them get to know us a little bit.

It is a long, extensive process. Tyler is on the front end of each and every step of it and does an awful lot of work behind the scenes, but it’s not an accident how things come together. We’re excited about the guys, and it will be great to get them here, whether it be this spring or next June. Really good to have them join us.

You talk about stories about Kaleb’s. You talk about Jay’s story, and you wonder who the next one is going to be. There’s opportunity for everybody, but all those things I talked about, they’re really part and parcel to this whole thing.

So, exceptional group of guys. Happy to get them here and believe they’re all going to be great fits in our program. So eager to start that whenever it begins.

I’ll just finish up by congratulating our award winners. I’m not going to list every guy, but it’s unbelievable when you think about Kaleb being the Big Ten Running Back of the Year; Jay, Linebacker of the Year; and Wetjen, being the Return Specialist of the Year. That speaks highly of all these of those guys. Connor and Logan being first team guys. Going right down the list, all those guys have earned it, and they’re tremendous young people. Happy for them to get that recognition. Well-deserved.

Q. Could you kind of evaluate where you kind of feel that quarterback position is right now and is that a position that you plan on addressing in the portal?

KIRK FERENTZ: Yeah, we’re definitely going to look and just see. Probably at every position, but there are certain things that are a little bit more important.

Anything we can do to help our football team, we’re going to do that. But I’ve said this many times, and I know Tyler will say the same thing. We’re not trying to build through the portal. If we can supplement our team, we’ll do that.

Quarterback is a unique position, clearly, nationally so. We would be fools not to at least see what’s available and see what might be of interest, both ways. Yeah, as it stands right now, we should have Brendan back. He should be full speed here for the bowl game. He could have played the other night. I don’t know how effectively, but he could have played. He practiced.

Then Jackson has done a great job, and then we’ll just kind of take it from there. I expect Marco to be — the good news is I think he’s out of that cast now, so he has a brace on. At least maybe we’ll have three guys that actually play quarterback at quarterback. Imagine that.

Q. Now that Kaleb has declared for the draft, how do you kind of put into words the season he had and where he kind of ranks in the hierarchy of running backs you’ve coached?

KIRK FERENTZ: As we went into camp, I wasn’t sure who our best back was. So it’s kind of funny how it goes. I’ll throw Leshon in there, too. He had a bad ankle, had missed a lot of time. You always are curious about the whole team how it’s going to look and how it goes through camp, but that was a position that was a jump ball for all the guys involved.

Kaleb has always had ability, talent. He’s always been a great young guy, but as I’ve said all season long, I think the big difference is this year he is just at a different level of focus. Again, just in generic terms, year three seems to be a magical year in general terms for guys in our program and certainly for him it was.

Everything he did was at a higher level. Being a teammate, everything about him. But the details, the way he prepared, and it showed in his playing too. He is more patient. Just saw things better. A little bit more patient, knew how to read things out a little bit better and more detailed with his footwork, things like that.

That’s the fun part. The play he made the other night — somebody said it the best on Friday night — it was like Cooper’s play, only it counted. But the impact it had, and you had to look at the replay a couple of times to say, How did he do that? He gets a lot of credit for a lot of that because that’s just — he’s physically strong and, boy, he is using his strength now. He wasn’t doing that maybe a year ago, two years ago.

Q. I wanted to kind of go back to quarterback just to see maybe what you might be looking for because you have the potential to have Brendan Sullivan back another year. Are you looking for somebody who is maybe younger that could be the No. 2 and build into that, or are you looking for somebody to walk in to compete for No. 1 right away who has kind of a proven track record?

KIRK FERENTZ: I think the general answer on that is we’re looking at everything. Again, the whole idea is to improve our team as much as we can. We’re not locked into one style per se because we do have different styles right now in that room and have had. We’ve won with both styles through the years.

We’ll just keep an open mind and see what’s available and not bound ourselves to any — it doesn’t have to be a FBS player. We’re just looking for somebody that will lead the team and move the team. Brendan has done a good job of that. We’re here to work with him. I think he has a really good future. Jackson is really intriguing, and Marco is a great young guy.

We have a great room, but if we can add to it, we’ll consider any options as long as they fit our parameters.

Q. So it seems like everybody I’ve talked to inside the building say you’re going to be back next year.

KIRK FERENTZ: Hope so. Do you know something I don’t know?

Q. No, it happens every year. People always say, Is this Kirk’s last year? How can he come back with all this stuff going on, paying players? He’s not going to put up with this forever, but it seems like you’re definitively coming back next year?

KIRK FERENTZ: That’s my plan, yeah. It seems like there’s always stuff going on. Have you noticed that? You’ve been covering us for a long time. Somehow we just keep moving forward.

There’s a lot of things that I won’t say frustrated, but a lot of things really make you step back and think, like, That’s interesting. The more the game changes, the more the circumstances change. It’s still about being around good people. Our key is and I think what we enjoy — I think I speak for our whole staff, when you get the right guys on your team, it’s a lot of fun.

We’re 100-plus population, so not everybody is going to be perfect, and we’re not all going to be best buddies, but I think there’s a mutual respect amongst our team and people in the program. To be part of that on a daily basis is pretty special. I’m enjoying that part of it.

There are things that frustrate you obviously at times. Injuries frustrate you, and you can’t do a thing about them. It’s just part of the game. I wish it was 20 degrees warmer the other night, quite frankly, but a lot of things you can’t control. The good stuff is still the good stuff, and that hasn’t changed, and that’s the fun part about this thing.

Q. One of the good changes I think that the NCAA made was coaches are not on the road during December now, which seemed like a sane decision. How does that impact your practice schedule for bowl prep because in the past you guys basically just had to practice on weekends. Now can you operate differently?

KIRK FERENTZ: Yeah, I just talked about all the changes that players are experiencing over the last ten years, let’s say. This is really random for us.

The end of a season is always a weird thing anyway for anybody that plays or coaches. When it’s over, it’s like, Now what do we do? It’s one of those things. In the old days, yeah, old days being, like, last year, everybody got in their car or got on a plane and went somewhere. It’s really strange for all of us to be in the building right now, to your point. So that’s a great point.

I’m still trying to figure out what the hell we’re doing, but first and foremost, we’re spending time with our players, the guys on our roster. Not physically, but just meeting with them, touching base, things that you don’t have time for in season. Kind of do a sit-down that way.

Then what we’ll start into the football. It’s sitting on my desk on the top right-hand corner. It’s my next file to go to how we’re going to map out the month not knowing where we’re going or when we’re going, but I think the one take-away I can give you, which is good, we won’t be up here at night hopefully because when you are doing recruiting and practice. I remember distinctly, just things that stick with you, going down to the Capital One Bowl in ’04, getting on the plane, and I had seen maybe about 10% of the film I needed to see.

I got down there, and it was like Groundhog Day with video. Just felt so behind. I had gotten off a plane at 3 a.m. the day before coming back from Connecticut. So this is a more sane schedule. That’s good.

There’s a positive there. Good thing. That’s in the good column. Anything else going in there? I don’t know. No, it’s good, so…

Q. You opened up by talking about all the continued changes that are going on in this calendar. How do you divide up your time right now between trying to retain players, go through meetings, look at the transfer portal, recruit the right type of guys for the transfer portal because we know that you don’t throw out offers to just anybody, and then obviously practicing and preparing for the bowl game? Then is there any way that it could stretch out all of this process to make it a little bit easier on the coaches and selfishly the media a little bit?

KIRK FERENTZ: They’re not thinking about you or us I don’t think on that category. So Tyler can probably answer some of those better than I can, but you touched on something that I probably should have put in my points.

Part of the visits with our players right now is just finding out where the guys are at because I did ask them to put it off for two weeks. That allows time to think about it, ask questions. Are you happy with your role? Here’s what we see. Everybody has an opportunity to excel and move up and all that kind of thing, but spending time with ours players is first and foremost because we want our team to be our team.

Then if we can supplement with guys that are great fits, you know, whether it’s the two guys we picked up, Sullivan and Gill, this past summer. Go back to Nick Jackson, Rusty Feth. You get those kind of guys that come in and just hit the ground running, that’s a perfect match there. It supplements your team.

Yeah, Tyler can talk about the calendar a little bit, but to me, just as I said, it looks good. Hopefully in the real world here where our coaches will be home with their families next week eating dinner. That’s a change in December. So there’s some benefit to this stuff too maybe and maybe a little less time on the weekends coming in and practicing, that type of deal.

Although if recruits can come in, we’ll be out there on the weekends, open house, but that’s part of the enterprise too.

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