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A Great Weekend in Indianapolis

by:Matt Jones07/09/06
For those of you who are regular visitors to the KSR Radio Blog, you know that we specialize in many things....but hard news is not really one of them. If what you want are box scores or breaking headlines, then we probably arent your best place to visit. But if what you want is a slightly offbeat look at Kentucky (and other types of) athletics, then we are a good place for you to spend your hard-earned internet dollar. And there may be no more ridiculous time that the KSR Radio blog has had than this weekend when I and the great poster "Mosley" represented KSR Radio at the Nike Camp in Indianapolis, Indiana. For those of you who dont know about the camp, it is a place for some of the best high school players to show their stuff in front of college coaches and scouts, so as to attract attention for their upcoming recruitments. This year's camp had 35 of the top 100 players in the country and a host of younger guys who will be on the cusp of stardom in year's future. Mosley and I got a TON of information and goofiness that will be on the site for the next few days. We have serious journalistic work, such as audio interviews from two of Kentucky's main targets in the upcoming year....Patrick Patterson and Jai Lucas. Plust we have KSR Radio goofiness, such as a picture of Jai Lucas and I doing the "Shoulder Lean." It will all be here for you in the upcoming week. But it does bear consideration just what an odd circumstance this camp truly was. It was not open to the public. Thus the only people there were college coaches, family members of the players and the media. And we all sat in the same section. Thus Mosley and I spent two days speaking with people such as Billy Donovan, Coach K, Bruce Pearl, etc who for whatever bizarre reason, decided to treat us as if our opinions had some validity or meaning. We got audio interviews with Donovan, Pearl, Stallings, Big Baby, Taurean Green, Gregg Doyel and others. And then to add to that absurdity, the coaches were not allowed to talk to the players, but we were. Thus you had an amazing incident (which I will remember for a long time) where I was sitting with Patrick Patterson and his mother and father, talking about their college recruitment experiences, and I looked up to see Coach K, Tom Izzo, Billy Donovan and Reggie Hanson all staring directly at me. It was one for the books. Only the NCAA could create such a situation allowing kids not to talk to the people that matter (the actual coaches they might play for) but allowing them to talk to people like Mosley and I, who spent the better part of the weekend debating which was the better flavor of Vitamin Water. Over the next week or so there will be much reporting of the week's activities, including the goofiness....and there was a lot. So stay tuned. And oh yeah, Michael Jordan was an ugly Green Bentley, which I followed out of the parking lot after being told to stop and give him space to back out. He didnt wave or even give me one of those "I see you nods", but I am sure it was just because he was busy. When he reads about this on the KSR blog (which I am sure he checks daily), I am sure he will write and say that he just overlooked us....

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