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Chinanu Onuaku -- 'a ****ing bum' -- spits at Nate Sestina, starts fight at Freedom Hall

Jack PIlgrimby:Jack Pilgrim07/30/24

Nate Sestina and Willie Cauley-Stein were in disbelief walking to the podium following La Familia’s 70-61 win over The Ville at Freedom Hall. Not because of the result, obviously — Kentucky is used to beating up on Louisville at this point. They just couldn’t believe Chinanu Onuaku, who shoots granny shots at the free-throw line because normal overhand attempts whip his ass about as bad as Daniel Orton nearly did after the game, had the audacity to spit in another man’s face.

“Bad things happen to bad people. We’ll leave it at that,” Sestina said as he sat down to talk with the media.

“He’s a ****ing bum,” Willie Cauley-Stein added, taking up for his La Familia teammate.

Then the cameras started rolling and the press conference began, Sestina asked to elaborate on what happened after the final buzzer, specifically with the alleged spit.

“Emotions ran high, that’s what this game does to people,” Sestina said after the win. “It had been great chatter the whole game, nothing crazy, nothing personal. And then it got personal, obviously. L’s down versus L’s up, that’s what this game is. (Onuaku) was just like, ‘Don’t do L’s down in here’ and I was just like ‘Alright, L’s down always.

“And then he walked away and stepped at me or whatever, I backward turned, and then he spit in my face, Mr. Onuaku. I’m gonna leave it at that. Nothing crazy, spit at me. That’s on him.”

Rick Bozich, who was likely crafting up a column explaining why Reece Gaines didn’t get a fair shake as The Ville’s head coach and simply needed more time, relayed the message that the spitting story wasn’t true. That was according to Jordan Sucher, team manager of The Ville.

“Chinanu Onuaku was not available post game to respond to Nate Sestina’s statement that Onuaku spit in his face,” Bozich wrote. “Jordan Sucher, team manager for The Ville, said that was not what he was told happened.”

To be frank, I couldn’t care less what Jordan Sucher, team manager of The Ville, has to say. I was there and watched Onuaku spit in Sestina’s face after whining about him throwing the L’s down. And there is obvious video evidence to back that up, stressing just how sad a life the former Cardinal must live to spit in an opponent’s face in an alumni exhibition matchup, especially with the game out of reach essentially the entirety of the second half.

“Don’t do that L’s down **** no more *****,” Onuaku says in the video, clear as day. “Don’t do that ****.”

Tyler Ulis jumps in and puts a follow-up L’s down right in Onuaku’s face before the clown forward spits at Sestina, starting a full-on fight at the conclusion of yet another loss for little brother.

No arguing that with video evidence so clear.

The good news? Onuaku gets to return to life working at Radio Shack while La Familia advances to the TBT Final Four in Philadelphia. And Nate Sestina now joins the list of Card Killers that includes Eric Bledsoe, Willie Cauley-Stein and Tyler Ulis.

He’s a bad, bad man, folks.

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