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Get Smart

by:Thomas Beisner09/03/08
Reading.  Writing.  Arithmetic.  Kentucky football and basketball?  After years and years of having my parents, girlfriends, and roommates tell me that watching sports non-stop will get me nowhere, I've finally been vindicated.  According to Science Daily, watching and playing sports will actually make me smarter and more attractive to the opposite sex.  Ok, the last part was a lie.  But, according to the study, playing and watching sports increases a human's learning ability, as well as their language skills.  Unfortunately, this study was done on hockey players and their ability to increase their brain function.  Seems like they're aiming pretty low on that one.  But, it's always good to have some ammo to throw at your significant other and this might just be it.  Now, if anyone has evidence that ladies love mediocre sports bloggers, send it my way. via With Leather

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