Louisville City FC's Top 10 Tweets of the Weekend
You can be a part of KSR's Top 10 Tweets by using hashtags like #KSR #BBN or #KSRtop10. You can also nominate tweets by mentioning them with the hashtag. If we like what we see, it could be posted the next day.
#10 Bobcat017
What a shame...@KySportsRadio @DrewFranklinKSR been trying to push #ksr on people for 8+ years....apparently not much response unfortunately. pic.twitter.com/ZQ2K4iUL1q
– Bobcat017 (@BEnglish017) August 21, 2017
#9 Jeremy Mathis
They're his favorite!!!Brought my 2-y-o to the KSR show & they seated us in the front. Good news bc @kysportsradio loves small children https://t.co/oOWqHVO4tA pic.twitter.com/Yo8q5VnCXz
– Jeremy Mathis (@jmmath) August 21, 2017
#8 Tyler Tackette
I bet those worked real well.@KySportsRadio found @ryanlemond some eclipse glasses. pic.twitter.com/ZWFwdCLdVf
– Tyler Tackette (@ttack18) August 21, 2017
#7 KentuckyDude
Best ones I've seen yet.These #3Goggles are on point!! #SolarEclipse2017 #BBN #KSR 😎🌑☀ï¸ðŸ‘ŒðŸ» pic.twitter.com/6jTyggrhDF
– KentuckyDude (@JHNNsports) August 21, 2017
#6 Nicki Scroggin
There should just be a National KSR Day at this point. Troy@KySportsRadio Happy #NationalRadioDay!! The hours of 10-12 are my favorite radio hours because they are always packed w/lots of fun!! #KSR pic.twitter.com/6DTavrJhUz
– Nicki Scroggin (@NickiScroggin) August 20, 2017
#5 Corey Burkhead
Gotta represent.No matter where my job leads me I'm representing my team #ksrtop10 #bbn #remembertheheisman #rememberthefumble pic.twitter.com/Wvh4MwWXMf
– Corey Burkhead (@CoreyBurkhead) August 18, 2017
#4 Tron Carter
Do you have any doubts?Bullitt County recipe? @KySportsRadio @ShannonTheDude @ryanlemond @DrewFranklinKSR #KSR pic.twitter.com/HYnnHmkro6
– Tron Carter (@dirkdizzle23) August 19, 2017
#3 Ray Bratcher
It wouldn't surprise me.You mean @KySportsRadio isn't out directing traffic?
– Ray Bratcher (@BratcherRay) August 21, 2017
#2 daniel taul
Just comes with the territory, I suppose.Ky we have hospitality out the ying yang. But in Louisville it tends to squirt to the ceiling. @KySportsRadio
– daniel taul (@dan8550) August 21, 2017
#1 Sammy Stickler
BURN. @haleysimpKSR@KySportsRadio This eclipse is going to be over so quick that Ky and the world is gonna know how Karen Sypher felt. #15secondswithrickpitino
– Sammy Stickler (@Sgt_Stickman) August 21, 2017
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